What kind of research do we conduct?



In the past fifty years people's health has spectacularly improved in the developed parts of the world, such as Europe and the USA. People now live longer and often enjoy better health. The main reason for this positive trend is the fact that our medications and vaccines have improved, thanks to scientific research.

Development of new medications and vaccines

We are nowhere near done combating serious debilitating and deadly diseases. Therefore, we must keep increasing our body of knowledge so as to be able to develop new medications and vaccines for diseases which currently cannot be cured or prevented. Biomedical research forms the basis for the development of these new medications.

Biomedical research

Biomedical research gives rise to new knowledge and ideas, as well as the systems used to assess these findings. BPRC plays a central part in biomedical research regarding some of the most serious diseases from which human beings can suffer, e.g. AIDS, malaria, hepatitis, multiple sclerosis and tuberculosis. Furthermore, BPRC seeks to solve medical issues such as transplant rejection and diseases associated with the brain. BPRC does not conduct any research geared towards the development of make-up products, recreational drugs or weapons.

BPRC is only allowed to carry out studies that have been authorised by the Animal Experiments Committee (DEC).

Jigsaw puzzle

Research on diseases can be compared to a 4,000-piece jigsaw puzzle. Every study and every publication constitutes one piece of the puzzle. Pathogens and pathomechanisms depend on a huge number of factors that may affect their outcome. It takes many years to test every aspect and ensure that a medication is effective. In addition, pathogens mutate, causing us to have to look for new solutions.

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