
Our services

We always look for ways to share and collaborate. Whether you intend to request material from our Bio-Bank, or are in need of Diagnostic Services.

The possibilities
  • BPRC Biobank

    BPRC Biobank

    Biobanks are becoming a valuable and popular alternative source for exploring scientific ideas, mechanism of diseases and testing new bioactive compounds and biologicals, with the minimal possible discomfort of the animals and at low costs.

    BPRC's Primate Biobank is the biggest non-human primate bank in Europe. It strives to be an international example of how to conduct the best science that meets the highest ethical standards. The biobank is based on the principals of the 3Rs: refinement, reduction and replacement in primate research.

    The aim of the biobank is to provide rare and valuable primate specimens both for internal use and for external scientists who can use the material for biomedical research as well as for conservation studies.

    BPRC maintains and distributes a broad range of biological material, including tissues, blood - derived products- serum, blood, DNA, RNA and B cell lines.

    The transfer of the material from BPRC to the recipient can be done by:

    • Signing Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) form
    • Providing a CITES document for outside EU
    • Providing administration costs and shipping charges by the recipient


    For more details please contact:


    Obtain more information about requesting:

    primate tissues

    blood derived products

  • Diagnostics


    • Primate Viral Diagnostics

      Announcement: As per January 1th, 2026, BPRC stops offering Primate Viral Diagnostic services.

      The Primate Viral Diagnostics laboratory (PVD) performs viral diagnostic research for:

      • Health surveillance of the BPRC colonies
      • Development and maintenance of the SPF status of the BPRC breeding colonies
      • Other primate keeping facilities in Europe and other parts of the world


      Below, please find an overview of the assays BPRC performs.

      Serology: (serum or plasma)
      • STLV (Simian T-cell lymphotropic virus)
      • SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency virus)
      • SRV (Simian type D retrovirus)
      • SFV (Simian Foamy virus)
      • α-herpesvirus (includes herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2, monkey B-virus, and others )
      • γ-herpesvirus (includes SaHV2)
      • VZV (Varicella Zoster virus)
      • EBV (Epstein-Barr virus)
      • CMV (Cytomegalovirus)
      • HAV (hepatitis A virus)
      • HBV (hepatitis B virus
      • HCV (hepatitis C virus)
      • SV40 or polyomavirus
      • Influenza A and/or –B virus
      • Measles virus
      • Rabies virus
      • Pox virus
      • WNV (West Nile virus)
      • DENV (Dengue virus 1-4)
      • hMPV (human metapneumovirus)
      • RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus)
      • LCMV (Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus)
      • Various other serological tests are available on request


      PCR or virus culture
      • STLV PCR
      • SIV PCR and culturing
      • SRV type D, serotypes 1, 2 and 3 PCR
      • SFV PCR and culture
      • α-herpes virus PCR and culturing
      • pan-herpes PCR 1 (detects α-, β-, and γ-herpesviruses)
      • pan-herpes PCR 2 (detects α-, β-, and γ-herpesviruses)
      • HBV PCR
      • pan-polyomavirus PCR
      • SV40 PCR
      • Influenza A/B PCR
      • Dengue virus PCR and culturing
      • West Nile virus PCR and culturing
      • LCMV PCR
      • Various other PCRs are available on request


      All PCRs can be performed in combination with sequence analysis of PCR fragment.

      For more details please contact:


    • Primate Bacterial and Parasitic Diagnostics

      The Primate Bacterial and Parasitic Diagnostics laboratory of the BPRC performs bacterial and parasitic diagnostics for the health screening of the BPRC colony.

      • Salmonella spp.
      • Shigella spp
      • Yersinia spp.
      • Campylobacter spp.
      • Escherichia coli O157
      • Other pathogenic bacteria (upon request)


      • Entamoeba histolytica
      • Giardia lamblia
      • Trichuris trichiura
      • Helicobacter pylori
      • Mycobacterium avium


      • Helminth eggs
      • Cysts


      For more details please contact:


    • Tissue analysis

      The Pathology Department offers research and diagnostic pathology services for BPRC.


      For more details please contact:


  • Conservation Biology

    Conservation Biology

    Non-invasively isolated DNA from hair and stool as a source for obtaining genetic information, for the purpose of:

    • Colony management of captive primates
    • Genetic characterization of wild-living populations


    DNA is often used in molecular biological techniques to answer diverse questions as parentage testing, colony management, forensic and immunologically related research. Hair and stool can serve as material from which DNA can be isolated, so that invasive techniques as drawing blood from an animal can be avoided. BPRC has developed techniques using different microsatellite markers, which allow to perform parentage typing and to calculate inbreeding coefficients. Other markers can be used to gain information about immunologically important genes. For example, this information is important to define the resistance or susceptibility against certain diseases and/or the influence of parasites on the genetic repertoire of an endangered primate species.

    For more details please contact:

    Selected references

    Determining Mhc-DRB profiles in wild populations of three congeneric true lemur species by noninvasive methods.
    de Winter II, Qurkhuli T, de Groot N, de Vos-Rouweler AJM, van Hooft P, Heitkönig IMA, Prins HHT, Bontrop RE, Doxiadis GGM.
    Immunogenetics. 2019 Feb;71(2):97-107. doi: 10.1007/s00251-018-1085-z. Epub 2018 Oct 15.

    A quick and robust MHC typing method for free-ranging and captive primate species.
    de Groot N, Stanbury K, de Vos-Rouweler AJ, de Groot NG, Poirier N, Blancho G, de Luna C, Doxiadis GG, Bontrop RE.
    Immunogenetics. 2017 Apr;69(4):231-240. doi: 10.1007/s00251-016-0968-0. Epub 2017 Jan 13.


  • Collaborations


    Information on research possibilities




Please note; Any request for nonhuman primate tissues, DNA, RNA, cDNA, blood / serum samples or assays, shall be accompanied by information about the project objectives and how the requested materials or assays will be used in the project. BPRC reserves the right to decline a request for nonhuman primate tissues, DNA, RNA, cDNA, blood / serum samples or assays if, in BPRC’s opinion, such a request does not fit within the mission statement of BPRC.