A new and improved database for the genes of MHC of different animal species

10 Jul 2017 | Back to News, Publications and Annual Reports

Ons lichaam moet virussen, bacteriën en parasieten kunnen herkennen en onderscheiden van eigen weefsels, om de ziekteverwekkers onschadelijk te maken zonder het eigen weefsels aan te vallen. Een zeer complex onderdeel van het immuunsysteem is hiervoor verantwoordelijk, het major histocompatibility complex (MHC).

The processes taking place inside the brains of marmoset models of MS are similar to those taking place in MS patients

29 May 2017 | Back to News, Publications and Annual Reports

To this day, our studies designed to formulate therapies for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) are dependent on animal models. However, it is vital that the processes targeted by the therapies are identical in the human patient and in the animal model.

A new technique to support the preservation of endangered monkey species

16 May 2017 | Back to News, Publications and Annual Reports

Several primate species all over the world are endangered. BPRC-affiliated researchers have developed a method that will help us protect these species in an animal-friendly manner.

Among other methods, we seek to preserve monkey species by breeding animals in zoos, then releasing them into the wild. It is vital that the monkeys be characterised genetically so as to be able to maintain a variety of genes within a population. Genetic diversity plays a role in partner selection, reproductive ability and protection against pathogens.

PhD awarded to Jaco Bakker at Utrecht University

27 Feb 2017 | Back to News, Publications and Annual Reports

On 16 January 2017 Jaco Bakker successfully defended his thesis entitled 'Veterinary care and welfare management in common marmosets'

Certain diseases, including MS, show similar disease progression in common marmoset and humans. This is mainly due to a number of important biological features that are shared between common marmosets and humans. Marmosets therefore still play an important role as animal model in the development of therapies for a number of serious diseases in humans.