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D'Agostino I, Zara S, Carradori S, De Luca V, Capasso C, Kocken CHM, Zeeman AM, Angeli A, Carta F, Supuran CT.
Antimalarial Agents Targeting Plasmodium falciparum Carbonic Anhydrase: Towards Artesunate Hybrid Compounds with Dual Mechanism of Action.
ChemMedChem. 2023 Nov 2;18(21):e202300267.
IF: 3.40
Bakker J, Maaskant A, Wegman M, Zijlman DGM, Hage P, Langermans JAM and Remarque EJ.
Reference Intervals and Percentiles for Hematologic and Serum Biochemical Values in Captive Bred Rhesus (Macaca mulatta) and Cynomolgus Macaques (Macaca fascicularis).
Animals 2023 13:445; 1-19.
IF: 3.00
Bontrop R, Flajnik M, O'Huigin CS, Kasahara M. Prof. Dr. Jan Klein (1936-2023).
Immunogenetics. 2023 Oct;75(5):413-415.
IF: 3.20
Branton WG, Fernandes JP, Mohammadzadeh N, Doan MAL, Laman JD, Gelman BB, Fagrouch Z, Kondova I, Mooij P, Koopman G and Power C.
Microbial molecule ingress promotes neuroinflammation and brain CCR5 expression in persons with HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders.
Brain Behav Immunol. 2023; 107: 110-123.
IF: 15.10
Bruijnesteijn J.
HLA/MHC and KIR characterization in humans and non-human primates using Oxford Nanopore Technologies and Pacific Biosciences sequencing platforms.
HLA. 2023 Mar;101(3):205-221.
IF: 8.00
Casteleyn C, Gram C, and Bakker J.
Topographical Anatomy of the Rhesus Monkey (Macaca mulatta)—Part I: Thoracic Limb.
Vet. Sci. 2023, 10, 164.
IF: 2.40
Casteleyn C, Robin N, and Bakker J.
Topographical Anatomy of the Rhesus Monkey (Macaca mulatta)—Part II: Pelvic Limb.
Vet. Sci. 2023, 10(3), 172
IF: 2.40
Casteleyn C, Wydooghe E and Bakker J.
Osteology of the Hamadryas Baboon (Papio hamadryas).
Animals 2023, 13: 3124
IF: 3.00
Cermolacce A, Lacoste, Moulin V, Briand A, Bakker J.
Successful Treatment of Captive Common Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) Infested with Common Cat Fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) by Using Topical Imidacloprid and Environmental Control Measures.
Vet. Sci. 2023, 10, 580.
IF: 2.40
Coenen L, Lehallier B, de Vries HE, Middeldorp J. Markers of aging: Unsupervised integrated analyses of the human plasma proteome. Front Aging. 2023;4:1112109.
IF: 6.70
Driessens SLW, Galakhova AA, Heyer DB, Pieterse IJ, Wilbers R, Mertens EJ, Waleboer F, Heistek TS, Coenen L, Meijer JR, Idema S, de Witt Hamer PC, Noske DP, de Kock CPJ, Lee BR, Smith K, Ting JT, Lein ES, Mansvelder HD, Goriounova NA. Genes associated with cognitive ability and HAR show overlapping expression patterns in human cortical neuron types. Nat Commun. 2023;14(1):4188.
IF: 16.60
Dusseldorp F, Bruins-van-Sonsbeek LGR, Buskermolen M, Niphuis H, Dirven M, Whelan J, Oude Munnink BB, Koopmans M, Fanoy EB, Sikkema RS and Tjon-A-Tsien A. SARS-CoV-2 in lions, gorillas and zookeepers in the Rotterdam Zoo, the Netherlands, a One Health investigation, November 2021. Euro Surveill. 2023 Jul;28(28):2200741.
IF: 19.00
Goethals O, Kaptein SJF, Kesteleyn B, Bonfanti JF, Van Wesenbeeck L, Bardiot D, Verschoor EJ, Verstrepen BE, Fagrouch Z, Putnak RJ, Kiemel D, Ackaert O, Straetemans R, Lachau-Durand S, Geluykens P, Crabbe M, Thys K, Stoops B, Lenz O, Tambuyzer L, De Meyer S, Dallmeijer K, McCracken MK, Gromowski GD, Rutvisuttinunt W, Jarman RG, Karasavvas N, Touret F, Querat G, de Lamballerie X, Chatel-Chaix L, Milligan G, Beasley D, Bourne N, Barrett ADT, Marchand A, Jonckers THM, Raboiusson P, Simmen K, Chaltin P, Bartenschlager R, Bogers WM, Neytes J and Van Look M.
Clinical candidate JNJ-1802, a potent dengue virus NS4B inhibitor, shows unprecedented efficacy in non-human primates.
Nature 2023: 615(7953):678-686
IF: 64.80
Goodroe A, Bakker J, Remarque EJ, Ross CN, Scorpio D.
Evaluation of Anesthetic and Cardiorespiratory Effects after Intramuscular Administration of Three Different Doses of Telazol® in Common Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus).
Vet. Sci. 2023: 10(2),116.
IF: 2.40
de Groot NG, Heijmans CMC, van der Wiel MKH, Bruijnesteijn J, Bontrop RE.
The KIR repertoire of a West African chimpanzee population is characterized by limited gene, allele, and haplotype variation.
Front Immunol. 2023 Dec 11;14:1308316.
IF: 7.3
Hallers-Haalboom ET, Vermande MM, van Leeuwen EJC, and Sterck EHM.
Food sharing with friends and acquaintances: A study in preschool boys and girls.
Front Psychol. 2023 Mar 9;14:1130632.
IF: 3.8
Huffels CFM, Middeldorp J, Hol EM.
Aβ Pathology and Neuron-Glia Interactions: A Synaptocentric View.
Neurochem Res. 2023;48(4):1026-1046.
IF: 4.4
Jungbluth S, Martin W, Slezak M, Depraetere H, Guzman CA, Ussi A, Morrow D, Van Heuverswyn F, Arnouts S, Carrondo MJT, Olesen O, Ottenhoff THM, Dockrell HM, Mei Ho M, Dobly A, Christensen D, Segalés J, Laurent F, Lantier F, Stockhofe-Zurwieden N, Morelli F, Langermans JAM, Verreck FAW, Le Grand R, Sloots A, Medaglini D, Lawrenz M, Collin N.
Potential business model for a European vaccine R&D infrastructure and its estimated socio-economic impact.
F1000Res. 2023 Oct 24:12:1401.
IF: 0.9
Kater MSJ, Huffels CFM, Oshima T, Renckens NS, Middeldorp J, Boddeke E, Smit AB, Eggen BJL, Hol EM, Verheijen MHG.
Prevention of microgliosis halts early memory loss in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
Brain Behav Immun. 2023;107:225-241
IF: 15.1
Klein AB, Ranea-Robles P, Nicolaisen TS, Gil C, Johann K, Quesada JP, Pistolevij N, Hviid KVR, Fich L, Offersen SM, Helge JW, Nielsen HS, Bakker J, Kleinert M, Clemmensen C.
Cross-species comparison of pregnancy-induced GDF15.
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2023 Oct 1;325(4):E303-E309
IF: 5.1
Koopman G, Amacker M, Stegmann T, Verschoor EJ, Verstrepen BE, Bhoelan F, Bemelman D, Böszörményi KP, Fagrouch Z, Kiemenyi-Kayere G, Mortier D, Verel DE, Niphuis H, Acar RF, Kondova I, Kap YS, Bogers WM, Mooij P and Fleury S.
A Low Dose of RBD and TLR7/8 Agonist Displayed on Influenza Virosome Particles Protects Rhesus Macaque Against SARS-CoV-2 challenge.
Scientific Reports 2023: 13(5074): 1-7.
IF: 4.6
van de Looij SM, de Jong OG, Vermonden T, Lorenowicz MJ.
Injectable hydrogels for sustained delivery of extracellular vesicles in cartilage regeneration.
J Control Release. 2023 Mar;355:685-708.
IF: 10.8
Middeldorp J, Min R, Benetatos J, Bodea LG.
Editorial: The neuron-glia crosstalk and beyond.
Front Cell Neurosci. 2023;17:1159597
IF: 3.91
Mooij P, Mortier D, Aartse A, Murad AB, Correia R, Roldão A, Alves PM, Fagrouch Z, Eggink D, Stockhofe N, Fazzio A, Engelhardt OG, Verschoor EJ, van Gils MJ, Bogers WM, Carrondo MJT, Remarque EJ and Koopman G.
Vaccine-induced virus neutralizing antibody responses against seasonal H1N1 strains are not enhanced upon subsequent pandemic H1N1 infection.
Front in Immunol. 2023; 14: 1256094.
IF: 7.3
Murat F, Mbengue N, Winge SB, Trefzer T, Leushkin E, Sepp M, Cardoso-Moreira M, Schmidt J, Schneider C, Mößinger K, Brüning T, Lamanna F, Belles MR, Conrad C, Kondova I, Bontrop R, Behr R, Khaitovich P, Pääbo S, Marques-Bonet T, Grützner F, Almstrup K, Schierup MH, Kaessmann H.
The molecular evolution of spermatogenesis across mammals.
Nature. 2023 Jan;613(7943):308-316.
IF: 64.80
Nieuwland JM, Nutma E, Philippens IHCHM, Böszörményi KP, Remarque EJ, Bakker J, Meijer L, Woerdman N, Fagrouch ZC, Verstrepen BE, Langermans JAM, Verschoor EJ, Windhorst AD, Bontrop RE, de Vries HE, Stammes MA, Middeldorp J.
Longitudinal positron emission tomography and postmortem analysis reveals widespread neuroinflammation in SARS-CoV-2 infected rhesus macaques.
J Neuroinflammation. 2023 Jul 29;20(1):179.
IF: 9.30
Niewold P, Dijkstra DJ, Cai Y, Goletti D, Palmieri F, van Meijgaarden KE, Verreck FAW, Akkerman OW, Hofland RW, Delemarre EM, Nierkens S, Verheul MK, Pollard AJ, van Dissel JT, Ottenhoff THM, Trouw LA, Joosten SA.
Identification of circulating monocytes as producers of tuberculosis disease biomarker C1q.
Sci Rep. 2023 Jul 18;13(1):11617.
IF: 4.60
Nolte S, Sterck EHM, van Leeuwen EJC.
Does tolerance allow bonobos to outperform chimpanzees on a cooperative task? A conceptual replication of Hare et al., 2007.
R Soc Open Sci. 2023 Jan 4;10(1):220194.
IF: 3.65
Nutma E, Fancy N, Weinert M, Tsartsalis S, Marzin MC, Muirhead RCJ, Falk I, Breur M, de Bruin J, Hollaus D, Pieterman R, Anink J, Story D, Chandran S, Tang J, Trolese MC, Saito T, Saido TC, Wiltshire KH, Beltran-Lobo P, Phillips A, Antel J, Healy L, Dorion MF, Galloway DA, Benoit RY, Amosse Q, Ceyzeriat K, Badina AM, Kovari E, Bendotti C, Aronica E, Radulescu CI, Wong JH, Barron AM, Smith AM, Barnes SJ, Hampton DW, van der Valk P, Jacobson S, Howell OW, Baker D, Kipp M, Kaddatz H, Tournier BB, Millet P, Matthews PM, Moore CS, Amor S, Owen DR.
Translocator protein is a marker of activated microglia in rodent models but not human neurodegenerative diseases.
Nat Commun. 2023;14(1):5247.
IF: 16.60
van Olst L, Kamermans A, van der Pol SMA, Rodriguez E, Hulshof LA, van Dijk RE, Vonk DN, Schouten M, Witte ME, de Vries HE, Middeldorp J.
Age-associated systemic factors change central and peripheral immunity in adult male mice.
Brain Behav Immun. 2023;111:395-411.
IF: 15.10
Overduin-de Vries AM, Vermande MM, Hessen DJ, and Sterck EHM.
The ability to inhibit impulses is related to social behavior in long-tailed macaques.
American Journal of Primatology. 2023;e23587.
IF: 3.01
Rodriguez-Mogeda C, van Lierop Z, van der Pol SMA, Coenen L, Hogenboom L, Kamermans A, Rodriguez E, van Horssen J, van Kempen ZLE, Uitdehaag BMJ, Teunissen CE, Witte ME, Killestein J, de Vries HE.
Extended interval dosing of ocrelizumab modifies the repopulation of B cells without altering the clinical efficacy in multiple sclerosis.
J Neuroinflammation. 2023;20(1):215.
IF: 9.3
Timmerman R, Zuiderwijk-Sick EA, Baron W, Bajramovic JJ.
In silico-in vitro modeling to uncover cues involved in establishing microglia identity: TGF-β3 and laminin can drive microglia signature gene expression.
Front Cell Neurosci. 2023 Jun 26;17:1178504.
IF: 5.3
Toenhake CG, Voorberg-van der Wel A, Wu H, Kanyal A, Nieuwenhuis IG, van der Werff NM, Hofman SO, Zeeman AM, Kocken CHM, Bártfai R.
Epigenetically regulated RNA-binding proteins signify malaria hypnozoite dormancy.
Cell Rep. 2023 Jul 25;42(7):112727.
IF: 8.8
Vacondio D, Nogueira Pinto H, Coenen L, Mulder IA, Fontijn R, van Het Hof B, Fung WK, Jongejan A, Kooij G, Zelcer N, Rozemuller AJ, de Vries HE, de Wit NM.
Liver X receptor alpha ensures blood-brain barrier function by suppressing SNAI2.
Cell Death Dis. 2023;14(11):781.
IF: 9.0
Verkerke M, Berdenis van Berlekom A, Donega V, Vonk D, Sluijs JA, Butt NF, Kistemaker L, de Witte LD, Pasterkamp RJ, Middeldorp J, Hol EM.
Transcriptomic and morphological maturation of human astrocytes in cerebral organoids.
Glia. 2023;72(2):362-374.
IF: 6.2
Voorberg-van der Wel A, Zeeman AM, Kocken CHM.
Transfection Models to Investigate Plasmodium vivax-Type Dormant Liver Stage Parasites.
Pathogens. 2023 Aug 22;12(9):1070.
IF: 3.7
Waldock J, Remarque EJ, Zheng L, Ho S, Hoschler K, Neumann B, Sediri-Schön H, Trombetta CM, Montomoli E, Marchi S, Lapini G, Zhou F, Lartey SL, Cox RJ, Facchini M, Castrucci MR, Friel D, Ollinger T, Caillet C, Music N, Palladino G, Engelhardt OG and the FLUCOP consortium.
Haemagglutination inhibition and virus microneutralisation serology assays: use of harmonised protocols and biological standards in seasonal influenza serology testing and their impact on inter-laboratory variation and assay correlation: A FLUCOP collaborative study.
Front in Immunol. 2023; 14: 1155552.
IF: 7.3
Warmink K, Rios JL, Varderidou-Minasian S, Torres-Torrillas M, van Valkengoed DR, Versteeg S, Eijkelkamp N, Weinans H, Korthagen NM, Lorenowicz MJ.
Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells-derived extracellular vesicles as a potentially more beneficial therapeutic strategy than MSC-based treatment in a mild metabolic osteoarthritis model.
Stem Cell Res Ther. 2023 May 24;14(1):137.
IF: 7.5
Maaskant A, van Geijlswijk IM, Devreese M, Cherlet M, Langermans JAM, Gehring R, Bakker J.
Pharmacokinetics of long-acting ampicillin in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).
Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2023 volume 46, issue S1, pp. 63 – 64
- Totaal 39 papers en gemiddelde Impact Factor is 10,0
- Aartse A, Mortier D, Mooij P, Hofman S, van Haaren MM, Corcora M, Karlsson Hedestam GB, Eggink D, Claireaux M, Bogers WMJM, van Gils MJ and Koopman G.
Primary antibody response after influenza virus infection is first dominated by low-mutated HA-stem antibodies followed by higher-mutated HA-head antibodies.
Front in Immunol. 2022;13:1026951. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1026951.
IF: 8.79
- Bagaria M, Kuiper L, Meijer E, Sterck EHM.
Individual behavioral correlates of tail biting in pre-finishing piglets.
Front Vet Sci. 2022;9:1033463. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2022.1033463.
IF: 3.12
- Bakker J and Bomzon A.
A Literature Review of Unintentional Intoxications of Nonhuman Primates.
Animals 2022, 12(7), 854. doi: 10.3390/ani12070854.
IF: 3.14
- Bakker J and de la Garza M.
Naturally Occurring Endocrine Disorders in Non-Human Primates: A Comprehensive Review.
Animals 2022;12(4), 407. doi: 10.3390/ani12040407.
IF: 3.14
- Bakker J and Remarque E.
Letter to the editor.
JAALAS 2022, 61(4), 313-314
IF: 1.23
- Berdenis van Berlekom A, Kubler R, Hoogeboom JW, Vonk D, Sluijs JA, Pasterkamp RJ, Middeldorp J, Kraneveld AD, Garssen J, Kahn RS, Hol EM, de Witte LD, Boks MP.
Exposure to the Amino Acids Histidine, Lysine, and Threonine Reduces mTOR Activity and Affects Neurodevelopment in a Human Cerebral Organoid Model.
Nutrients. 2022;14(10). doi: 10.3390/nu14102175
IF: 5.72
- Bontrop RE.
Introducing our new Immunogenetics co-editor: Professor Andrew Brooks.
Immunogenetics. 2022 Oct;74(5):445-446. doi: 10.1007/s00251-022-01269-2.
IF: 3.33
- Branton WG, Fernandes JP, Mohammadzadeh N, Doan MAL, Laman JD, Gelman BB, Fagrouch Z, Kondova I, Mooij P, Koopman G, Power C.
Microbial molecule ingress promotes neuroinflammation and brain CCR5 expression in persons with HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders.
Brain Behav Immun. 2022, vol 107, 110-123. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2022.09.019.
IF: 19.27
- Bruijnesteijn J.
HLA/MHC and KIR characterization in humans and non-human primates using Oxford Nanopore Technologies and Pacific Biosciences sequencing platforms.
HLA: 2022-12-30. 2059-2302 doi: 10.1111/tan.14957
IF: 9.20
- Bruijnesteijn J, de Groot N, de Vos-Rouweler AJM, de Groot NG, Bontrop RE.
Comparative genetics of KIR haplotype diversity in humans and rhesus macaques: the balancing act.
Immunogenetics. 2022 Jun;74(3):313-326. doi: 10.1007/s00251-022-01259-4.
IF: 3.33
- Claireaux M, Caniels TG, de Gast M, Han J, Guerra D, Kerster G, van Schaik BDC, Jongejan A, Schriek AI, Grobben M, Brouwer PJM, van der Straten K, Aldon Y, Capella-Pujol J, Snitselaar JL, Olijhoek W, Aartse A, Brinkkemper M, Bontjer I, Burger JA, Poniman M, Bijl TPL, Torres JL, Copps J, Martin IC, de Taeye SW, de Bree GJ, Ward AB, Sliepen K, van Kampen AHC, Moerland PD, Sanders RW, van Gils MJ.
A public antibody class recognizes an S2 epitope exposed on open conformations of SARS-CoV-2 spike.
Nat Commun. 2022;13(1):4539. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32232-0.
IF: 17.70
- Coupet CA, Dubois C, Evlachev A, Kehrer N, Baldazza M, Hofman S, Vierboom M, Martin P, Inchauspe G.
Intravenous injection of a novel viral immunotherapy encoding human interleukin-7 in nonhuman primates is safe and increases absolute lymphocyte count.
Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2022;18(6):2133914. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2022.2133914.
IF: 4.53
- Dechavanne C, Nouatin O, Adamou R, Edslev S, Hansen A, Meurisse F, Sadissou I, Gbaguidi E, Milet J, Cottrell G, Gineau L, Sabbagh A, Massougbodji A, Moutairou K, Donadi EA, Carosella ED, Moreau P, Remarque E, Theisen M, Rouas-Freiss N, Garcia A, Favier B, Courtin D.
Placental Malaria is Associated with Higher LILRB2 Expression in Monocyte Subsets and Lower Anti-Malarial IgG Antibodies During Infancy.
Front Immunol. 2022; 13:909831. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.909831.
IF: 8.79
- Dong Y, Sonawane Y, Maher SP, Zeeman AM, Chaumeau V, Vantaux A, Cooper CA, Chiu FCK, Ryan E, McLaren J, Chen G, Wittlin S, Witkowski B, Nosten F, Sriraghavan K, Kyle DE, Kocken CHM, Charman SA, Vennerstrom JL.
Metabolic, Pharmacokinetic, and Activity Profile of the Liver Stage Antimalarial (RC-12).
ACS Omega. 2022;7(14):12401-12411. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.2c01099.
IF: 4.13
- Drude NI, Martinez-Gamboa L, Danziger M, Collazo A, Kniffert S, Wiebach J, Nilsonne G, Konietschke F, Piper SK, Pawel S, Micheloud C, Held L, Frommlet F, Segelcke D, Pogatzki-Zahn EM, Voelkl B, Friede T, Brunner E, Dempfle A, Haller B, Jung M, Riecken L, Kuhn H, Tenbusch M, Higuita L, Remarque E, Grüninger-Egli S, Manske K, Kobold S, Rivalan M, Wedekind L, Wilcke J, Boulesteix A, Meinhardt M, Spanagel R, Hettmer S, von Lüttichau I, Regina C, Dirnagl U, and Toelch U.
Planning preclinical confirmatory multicenter trials to strengthen translation from basic to clinical research – a multi-stakeholder workshop report.
Transl Med Comm.2022,7(1),24
IF: 3.90
- Fernandez Zapata C, Giacomello G, Spruth EJ, Middeldorp J, Gallaccio G, Dehlinger A, Dames C, Leman JKH, van Dijk RE, Meisel A, Schlickeiser S, Kunkel D, Hol EM, Paul F, Parr MK, Priller J, Bottcher C.
Differential compartmentalization of myeloid cell phenotypes and responses towards the CNS in Alzheimer's disease.
Nat Commun. 2022;13(1):7210. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-34719-2
IF: 17.70
- de la Garza MA, Hegge SR and Bakker J.
Inguinal Hernia in Nonhuman Primates: From Asymptomatic to Life-Threatening Events.
Vet. Sci. 2022; 9 (6): 280. doi: 10.3390/vetsci9060280.
IF: 2.44
- Gielen K, Louwerse AL, Sterck EHM.
The Older the Better: Infanticide Is Age-Related for Both Victims and Perpetrators in Captive Long-Tailed Macaques.
Biology (Basel) 2022; 11(7): 1008. doi: 10.3390/biology11071008.
IF: 5.17
- Goldsborough Z, Sterck EHM, de Waal FBM, and Webb CE.
Individual variation in chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) repertoires of abnormal behaviour.
Animal Welfare; 31(1):125 – 135 doi: 10.7120/09627286.31.1.011
IF: 2.06
- Grobben M, Juncker HG, van der Straten K, Lavell AHA, Schinkel M, Buis DTP, Wilbrink MF, Tejjani K, Claireaux MAF, Aartse A, de Groot CJM, Pajkrt D, Bomers MK, Sikkens JJ, van Gils MJ, van Goudoever JB, van Keulen BJ.
Decreased Passive Immunity to Respiratory Viruses through Human Milk during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Microbiol Spectr. 2022:e0040522. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.00405-22.
IF: 7.17
- de Groot NG, de Groot N, de Vos-Rouweler AJM, Louwerse A, Bruijnesteijn J, Bontrop RE.
Dynamic evolution of Mhc haplotypes in cynomolgus macaques of different geographic origins.
Immunogenetics. 2022;74(4):409-429. doi: 10.1007/s00251-021-01249-y.
IF: 3.33
- Hegeman CV, de Jong OG, Lorenowicz MJ.
A kaleidoscopic view of extracellular vesicles in lysosomal storage disorders.
Extracell Vesicles Circ Nucleic Acids 2022;3:376-404. doi: 10.20517/evcna.2022.41.
- Huffels CFM, Middeldorp J, Hol EM.
Aβ Pathology and Neuron-Glia Interactions: A Synaptocentric View.
Neurochem Res. 2022. doi: 10.1007/s11064-022-03699-6
IF: 4.00
- Huffels CFM, van Dijk RE, Karst H, Meye FJ, Hol EM, Middeldorp J.
Systemic Injection of Aged Blood Plasma in Adult C57BL/6 Mice Induces Neurophysiological Impairments in the Hippocampal CA1.
J Alzheimers Dis. 2022;89(1):283-297. doi: 10.3233/JAD-220337
IF: 4.16
- Hulshof LA, Frajmund LA, van Nuijs D, van der Heijden DCN, Middeldorp J, Hol EM.
Both male and female APPswe/PSEN1dE9 mice are impaired in spatial memory and cognitive flexibility at 9 months of age.
Neurobiol Aging. 2022;113:28-38. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2021.12.009
IF: 5.13
- Hulshof LA, van Nuijs D, Hol EM, Middeldorp J.
The Role of Astrocytes in Synapse Loss in Alzheimer's Disease: A Systematic Review.
Front Cell Neurosci. 2022;16:899251. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2022.899251
IF: 4.86
- Kater MSJ, Huffels CFM, Oshima T, Renckens NS, Middeldorp J, Boddeke E, Smit AB, Eggen BJL, Hol EM, Verheijen MHG.
Prevention of microgliosis halts early memory loss in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
Brain Behav Immun. 2023;107:225-241. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2022.10.009
IF: 19.23
- Kooros SJ, Goossens B, Sterck EHM, Kenderdine R, Malim PT, Ramirez Saldivar DA, Stark DJ.
External environmental conditions impact nocturnal activity levels in proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) living in Sabah, Malaysia.
Am J Primatol. 2022:e23423. doi: 10.1002/ajp.23423.
IF: 2.37
- Leclerc A, Lemberger K, Niphuis H, Pin D and Mulot B.
Epitheliotropic cutaneous lymphoma in a Javan silvered leaf monkey (Trachypithecus auratus auratus) and attempted treatment with masitinib.
Vet Rec Case Rep. 2022; e533
IF: 0.22
- Maaskant A, Janssen I, Wouters IM, van Eerdenburg FJCM, Remarque ER, Langermans JAM, Bakker J.
Assessment of indoor air quality for group housed macaques (Macaca spp.).
Animals (Basel) 2022;12(14):1750. doi: 10.3390/ani12141750.
IF: 3.14
- Meijer L, Böszörményi KP, Bakker J, Koopman G, Mooij P, Verel D, Fagrouch Z, Verstrepen BE, Funke U, Mooijer MPJ, Langermans JAM, Verschoor EJ, Windhorst AD, Stammes MA.
Novel application of [18F]DPA714 for visualizing the pulmonary inflammation process of SARS-CoV-2-infection in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta).
Nucl Med Biol. 2022;112-113:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.nucmedbio.2022.05.002.
IF: 2.41
- Mitchell G, Roma G, Voorberg-van der Wel A, Beibel M, Zeeman AM, Schuierer S, Torres L, Flannery EL, Kocken CHM, Mikolajczak SA, Diagana TT.
Transcriptional profiling of hepatocytes infected with the replicative form of the malaria parasite Plasmodium cynomolgi.
Malar J. 2022;21(1):393. doi: 10.1186/s12936-022-04411-3.
IF: 3.47
- Mooij P, García-Arriaza J, Pérez P, Lázaro-Frías A, Verstrepen BE, Böszörményi KP, Mortier D, Fagrouch Z, Kiemenyi-Kayere G, Niphuis H, Acar RF, Meijer L, Stammes MA, Kondova I, Verschoor EJ, GeurtsvanKessel CH, de Bruin E, Sikkema RS, Luczkowiak J, Delgado R, Montenegro D, Puentes E, Rodríguez E, Bogers WMJM, Koopman G, Esteban M.
Poxvirus MVA Expressing SARS- CoV-2 S Protein Induces Robust Immunity and Protects Rhesus Macaques From SARS-CoV-2 .
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IF: 8.79
- Morrow D, Gabriele L, Andreu AL, Bietrix F, Ussi A, and Langermans J.
EATRIS: providing the right tools, at the right time, for vaccine development in a pandemic.
Vaccine Insights 2022; 1(3), 131–137.
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The molecular evolution of spermatogenesis across mammals.
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IF: 69.50
- Niewold P, Ijsselsteijn ME, Verreck FAW, Ottenhoff THM, Joosten SA.
An imaging mass cytometry immunophenotyping panel for non-human primate tissues.
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IF: 8.79
- van Olst L, Coenen L, Nieuwland JM, Rodriguez-Mogeda C, de Wit NM, Kamermans A, Middeldorp J, de Vries HE.
Crossing borders in Alzheimer's disease: A T cell's perspective.
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IF: 15.47
- Pasini EM, van der Wel AV, Heijmans N, Klop O, Zeeman AM, Oostermeijer H, Nieuwenhuis I, Garcia RR, van der Werff NO, Hofman SO, Verreck FAW, Remarque EJ, Faber BW, Kocken CHM.
Sterile protection against relapsing malaria with a single-shot vaccine.
NPJ Vaccines. 2022;7(1):126. doi: 10.1038/s41541-022-00555-0.
IF: 9.40
- Philippens IHCHM, Böszörményi KP, Wubben JAM, Fagrouch ZC, van Driel N, Mayenburg AQ, Lozovagia D, Roos E, Schurink B, Bugiani M, Bontrop RE, Middeldorp J, Bogers WM, de Geus-Oei LF, Langermans JAM, Verschoor EJ, Stammes MA, Verstrepen BE.
Brain Inflammation and Intracellular α-Synuclein Aggregates in Macaques after SARS-CoV-2 Infection.
Viruses. 2022;14(4):776. doi: 10.3390/v14040776.
IF: 5.82
- Rebout N, De Marco A, Sanna A, Micheletta J, Lone JC, van den Berg RF, Sterck EHM, Langermans JAM, Thierry B an Lemasson A.
Tolerant and intolerant macaques differ in the context specificity of their calls and how they ‘comment’ on the interactions of others.
Behav Ecol Sociobiol. 2022; 76: 67.
IF: 2.98
- Rox A, Waasdorp S, Sterck EHM, Langermans JAM, and Louwerse A.
Multigenerational Social Housing and Group-Rearing Enhance Female Reproductive Success in Captive Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta).
Biology 2022, 11(7), 970; doi: 10.3390/biology11070970.
IF: 5.17
- Shkoporov AN, Stockdale SR, Lavelle A, Kondova I, Heuston C, Upadrasta A, Khokhlova EV, van der Kamp I, Ouwerling B, Draper LA, Langermans JAM, Ross RP, Hill C.
Viral biogeography of the mammalian gut and parenchymal organs.
Nat. Microbiol. 2022 7(8): 1301-1311. doi: 10.1038/s41564-022-01178-w.
IF: 30.96
- Smit T, Ormel PR, Sluijs JA, Hulshof LA, Middeldorp J, de Witte LD, Hol EM, Donega V.
Transcriptomic and functional analysis of Abeta(1-42) oligomer-stimulated human monocyte-derived microglia-like cells.
Brain Behav Immun. 2022;100:219-230. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2021.12.001
IF: 19.23
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CSF factors in memory function.
Lancet Neurol. 2022;21(9):765-767. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(22)00296-4.
IF: 59.94
- Timmerman R, Zuiderwijk-Sick EA, Bajramovic JJ.
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IF: 8.79
- Trombetta CM, Marchi S, Viviani S, Manenti A, Casa E, Dapporto F, Remarque EJ, Bollati V, Manini I, Lazzeri G, Montomoli E.
A serological investigation in Southern Italy: was SARS-CoV-2 circulating in late 2019?
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IF: 4.53
- Volkmann A, Koopman G, Mooij P, Verschoor EJ, Verstrepen BE, Bogers WMJM, Idorn M, Paludan SR, Vang S, Nielsen MA, Sander AF, Schmittwolf C, Hochrein H, Chaplin P.
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Dual-Luciferase-Based Fast and Sensitive Detection of Malaria Hypnozoites for the Discovery of Anti-relapse Compounds.
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IF: 1.37
- Wichgers Schreur PJ, Mooij P, Koopman G, Verstrepen BE, Fagrouch Z, Mortier D, van Driel N, Kant J, van de Water S, Bogers WM, Punt C, van Keulen L, Verschoor EJ, Kortekaas J.
Safety and immunogenicity of four-segmented Rift Valley fever virus in the common marmoset.
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IF: 9.40
- Zijlmans DGM, van den Berg LM, Langermans AJM, and Sterck EHM.
Does behaviour predict weight gain during adulthood in captive group-living rhesus macaques?
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IF: 2.51
- Zijlmans D, Maaskant A, Louwerse A, Steck EHM, Langermans JAM.
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Exploring spatio-temporal variation in soundscape saturation of an African tropical forest landscape.
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IF: 6.26
- Louwerse AL, and Bakker J.
In Proefdieren, Zorg, Kwaliteit en biotechniek eds. Stichting Proefdierkundige Informatie. 2022. Hoofdst. 29; ISBN : 9789090363974
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Socioecology of Asian Colobines
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- Aartse A, Eggink D, Claireaux M, van Leeuwen S, Mooij P, Bogers WM, Sanders RW, Koopman G, van Gils MJ.
Influenza A Virus Hemagglutinin Trimer, Head and Stem Proteins Identify and Quantify Different Hemagglutinin-Specific B Cell Subsets in Humans.
Vaccines. 2021; 9(7):717
IF : 4,42
- Altera A, Barone V, Kondova I, Langermans JAM, Gentile M, Pin C, Nicoletti C, Bertelli E.
Light-Induced Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Rearrangement in a Unique Interlaced Compartmental Pattern in Macaca mulatta RPE.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021; 62(15):32
IF : 4.80
- Bergeron LA, Besenbacher S, Bakker J, Zheng J, Li P, Pacheco G, Sinding MHS, Kamilari M, Gilbert MTP, Schierup MH, and Zhang G.
The germline mutational process in rhesus macaque and its implications for phylogenetic dating.
Gigascience. 2021; 10(5):giab029
IF : 6.52
- Van Boekholt B, van de Waal E, Sterck EHM.
Organized to learn: the influence of social structure on social learning opportunities in a group.
iScience 2021; 24(2): 102117
IF : 1.81
- Böszörményi, K, Hirsch J, Kiemenyi Kayere G, Fagrouch Z, Heijmans N, Rodriguez Garcia R, Dwarka S, van Dijke A, Aaldijk B, Limpens R, Barcena M, Koster B, Verstrepen B, Bogers W, Kocken C, Cornellissen G, Verschoor E and Faber B.
A Bacterially-Expressed Recombinant Envelope Protein from Usutu Virus Induces Neutralizing Antibodies in Rabbits.
Vaccines 2021; 9(2):157 doi: 10.3390/vaccines9020157. PMID: 33669414
IF : 4,42
- Böszörményi KP, Stammes MA, Fagrouch ZC, Kiemenyi-Kayere G, Niphuis H, Mortier D, van Driel N, Nieuwenhuis I, Vervenne RAW, Haaksma T, Ouwerling B, Adema D, Acar RF, Zuiderwijk-Sick E, Meijer L, Mooij P, Remarque EJ, Oostermeijer H, Koopman G, Hoste ACR, Sastre P, Haagmans BL, Bontrop RE, Langermans JAM, Bogers WM, Kondova I, Verschoor EJ, Verstrepen BE.
The Post-Acute Phase of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Two Macaque Species Is Associated with Signs of Ongoing Virus Replication and Pathology in Pulmonary and Extrapulmonary Tissues.
Viruses. 2021; 13(8):1673. doi: 10.3390/v13081673. PMID: 34452537
IF : 5,05
- Bruijnesteijn J, van der Wiel M, de Groot NG, Bontrop RE.
Rapid Characterization of Complex Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor (KIR) Regions Using Cas9 Enrichment and Nanopore Sequencing.
Front Immunol. 2021; 12:722181. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.722181. eCollection 2021. PMID: 34594334
IF : 7.56
- Chéneau C, Eichholz K, Tran TH, Tran TTP, Paris O, Henriquet C, Bajramovic JJ, Pugniere M, Kremer EJ.
Lactoferrin Retargets Human Adenoviruses to TLR4 to Induce an Abortive NLRP3-Associated Pyroptotic Response in Human Phagocytes.
Front Immunol. 2021; 12:685218. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.685218. eCollection 2021. PMID: 34093588
IF : 7.56
- Colman RJ, Capuano 3rd S, Bakker J, Keeley J, Nakamura K, and Ross C.
Marmosets: Welfare, Ethical Use, and IACUC/Regulatory Considerations.
ILAR J. 2021 :ilab003
IF : 2.02
- Dijkman K, Aguilo N, Boot C, Hofman SO, Sombroek CC, Vervenne RAW, Kocken CHM, Marinova D, Thole J, Rodríguez E, Vierboom MPM, Haanstra KG, Puentes E, Martin C, Verreck FAW.
Pulmonary MTBVAC vaccination induces immune signatures previously correlated with prevention of tuberculosis infection.
Cell Rep Med. 2021; 2(1):100187. doi: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2020.100187
IF : 9.42
- Dubbelaar ML, Misrielal C, Bajramovic JJ, Burm SM, Zuiderwijk-Sick EA, Brouwer N, Grit C, Kooistra SM, Shinjo SMO, Marie SKN, Boddeke HWGM, Eggen BJL.
Transcriptional profiling of macaque microglia reveals an evolutionary preserved gene expression program.
Brain Behav Immun Health. 2021 May 7;15:100265. doi: 10.1016/j.bbih.2021.100265. eCollection 2021 Aug. PMID: 34589771
IF : 7.22
- Ellis KM, Lucantoni L, Chavchich M, Abraham M, De Paoli A, Luth MR, Zeeman AM, Delves MJ, Terán FS, Straschil U, Baum J, Kocken CHM, Ralph SA, Winzeler EA, Avery VM, Edstein MD, Baell JB, Creek DJ.
The Novel bis-1,2,4-Triazine MIPS-0004373 Demonstrates Rapid and Potent Activity against All Blood Stages of the Malaria Parasite. Antimicrob Agents Chemother.
2021; 65(11):e0031121. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00311-21. Epub 2021 Aug 30. PMID: 34460304
IF : 5.19
- Embregts CWE, Verstrepen B, Langermans JAM, Böszörményi KP, Sikkema RS, de Vries RD, Hoffmann D, Wernike K, Smit LAM, Zhao S, Rockx B, Koopmans MPG, Haagmans BL, Kuiken T, GeurtsvanKessel CH.
Evaluation of a multi-species SARS-CoV-2 surrogate virus neutralization test.
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IF : 3.57
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Current Topics in Marmoset Anesthesia and Analgesia.
ILAR J. 2021: ilab001
IF : 2.02
- Goodroe A, Wachtman L, Benedict W, Allen-Worthington K, Bakker J, Burns M, Diaz LL, Dick E, Dickerson M, Eliades SJ, Gonzalez O, Graf DJ, Haroush K, Inoue T, Izzi J, Laudano A, Layne-Colon D, Leblanc M, Ludwig B, Mejia A, Miller C, Sarfaty A, Sosa M, Vallender E, Brown C, Forney L, Schultz-Darken N, Colman R, Power M, Capuano S, Ross C, Tardif S.
Current practices in nutrition management and disease incidence of common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus).
J Med Primatol. 2021; 50(3):164-175
IF : 0.67
- de Groot NG, Heijmans CMC, Bezstarosti S, Bruijnesteijn J, Haasnoot GW, Mulder A, Claas FHJ, Heidt S, Bontrop RE.
Two Human Monoclonal HLA-Reactive Antibodies Cross-React with Mamu-B*008, a Rhesus Macaque MHC Allotype Associated with Control of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Replication.
J Immunol. 2021; 206(8):1957-1965. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.2001405. Epub 2021. PMID: 33692147
IF : 5.42
- Heemskerk MT, Korbee CJ, Esselink JJ, Dos Santos CC, van Veen S, Gordijn IF, Vrieling F, Walburg KV, Engele CG, Dijkman K, Wilson L, Verreck FAW, Ottenhoff THM, Haks MC.
Repurposing diphenylbutylpiperidine-class antipsychotic drugs for host-directed therapy of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Salmonella enterica infections.
Sci Rep. 2021; 11(1):19634. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-98980-z. PMID: 34608194
IF : 4.38
- Heerschop S, Fagrouch Z, Verschoor EJ, Zischler H.
Pinpointing the PRDM9-PRDM7 Gene Duplication Event During Primate Divergence.
Front Genet. 2021; 12:593725
IF : 4.27
- Hoonakker ME, Remarque E, Veth J, Sloots A, Bajramovic JJ.
The nearest neighbor nuclei method to objectify analysis of pertussis toxin-induced clustering.
ALTEX. 2021. doi: 10.14573/altex.2012171. PMID: 34654933
IF : 6.04
- Laksono BM, Tran DN, Kondova I, van Engelen HGH, Michels S, Nambulli S, de Vries RD, Duprex WP, Verjans GMGM, de Swart RL.
Comparable Infection Level and Tropism of Measles Virus and Canine Distemper Virus in Organotypic Brain Slice Cultures Obtained from Natural Host Species.
Viruses. 2021; 13(8):1582.
IF : 5.05
- López-Serrano S, Cordoba L, Pérez-Maillo M, Pleguezuelos P, Remarque EJ, Ebensen T, Guzmán CA, Christensen D, Segalés J, Darji A.
Immune Responses to Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Virus Infection in Pigs Vaccinated with a Conserved Hemagglutinin HA1 Peptide Adjuvanted with CAF ® 01 or CDA/αGalCerMPEG.
Vaccines. 2021 ;9(7):751
IF : 4,42
- Maaskant A, Meijer L, Fagrouch Z, Bakker J, van Geest L, Zijlmans DGM, Verstrepen BE, Langermans JAM, Verschoor EJ, Stammes MA.
Bronchoalveolar lavage affects thorax computed tomography of healthy and SARS-CoV-2 infected rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).
PLoS One. 2021; 16(7):e0252941. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252941. PMID: 34242213; PMCID: PMC8270458
IF : 3.24
- Marchi S, Monti M, Viviani S, Remarque EJ, Esposito S, Principi N, Ruggiero L, Montomoli E, Trombetta CM.
Immunity to measles in Italian children and adolescents: a persistent problem in view of measles elimination.
J Public Health (Oxf). 2021; 43(4):e601-e609
IF : 2.22
- Marchi S, Viviani S, Remarque EJ, Ruello A, Bombardieri E, Bollati V, Milani GP, Manenti A, Lapini G, Rebuffat A, Montomoli E, Trombetta CM.
Characterization of antibody response in asymptomatic and symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection.
PLoS One. 2021; 16(7):e0253977
IF : 3.24
- Marchi S, Remarque EJ, Viviani S, Rizzo C, Monteverde Spencer GT, Coluccio R, Montomoli E, Trombetta CM.
Measles immunity over two decades in two large Italian Regions: How far is the elimination goal?
Vaccine. 2021; 39(40):5928-5933
IF : 3.64
- Matias I, Diniz LP, Damico IV, Araujo APB, Neves LDS, Vargas G, Leite REP, Suemoto CK, Nitrini R, Jacob-Filho W, Grinberg LT, Hol EM, Middeldorp J, Gomes FCA.
Loss of lamin-B1 and defective nuclear morphology are hallmarks of astrocyte senescence in vitro and in the aging human hippocampus.
Aging Cell. 2021: e13521. doi: 10.1111/acel.13521
IF : 9.30
- Mooij P, Stammes MA, Mortier D, Fagrouch Z, van Driel N, Verschoor EJ, Kondova I, Bogers WMJM, Koopman G.
Aerosolized Exposure to H5N1 Influenza Virus Causes Less Severe Disease Than Infection via Combined Intrabronchial, Oral, and Nasal Inoculation in Cynomolgus Macaques.
Viruses. 2021; 13(2):345. doi: 10.3390/v13020345. PMID: 33671829; PMCID: PMC7926951
IF : 5.05
- Nazmuddin M, Philippens IHCHM, van Laar T.
Electrical stimulation of the nucleus basalis of meynert: a systematic review of preclinical and clinical data.
Sci Rep. 2021; 11(1):11751. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-91391-0
IF : 4.38
- Olarinmoye AO, Niphuis H, Verschoor E, Olugasa BO, Ishola OO, Aldosari AA, Boug A, Ogunro BN, Al-Hezaimi K.
Serological Detection of Flavivirus Infections in Saudi Baboons.
Ecohealth. 2021; 18(3):283-287
IF : 3.18
- Pasini EM, Kocken CHM.
Parasite-Host Interaction and Pathophysiology Studies of the Human Relapsing Malarias Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ovale Infections in Non-Human Primates.
Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2021; 10:614122. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2020.614122. eCollection 2020. PMID: 33680982
IF : 5.29
- Philippens IHCHM, and Langermans JAM.
Preclinical Marmoset Model for Targeting Chronic Inflammation as a Strategy to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease.
Vaccines 2021; 9 (388):
IF : 4,42
- Philippens IHCHM, Draaisma L, Baarends G, Krugers HJ, Vermetten E.
Ketamine treatment upon memory retrieval reduces fear memory in marmoset monkeys.
Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2021; 50:1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2021.04.004
IF : 4.60
- Remarque EJ, Faber BW, Rodriguez Garcia R, Oostermeijer H, Sirima SB, Nebie Ouedraogo I, Kara L, Launay O, Houard S, Leroy O, Kocken CHM.
Accelerated phase Ia/b evaluation of the malaria vaccine candidate PfAMA1 DiCo demonstrates broadening of humoral immune responses.
NPJ Vaccines. 2021; 6(1):55
IF : 6,12
- Roubos S, Louwerse AL, Langermans JAM, and Bakker J.
Retrospective Analysis of the Effectiveness and Reversibility of Long-Acting Contraception Etonogestrel (Implanon®) in Common Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Animals. 2021; 11(4):963
IF : 2.75
- Rox A, van Vliet AH, Langermans JAM, Sterck EHM, Louwerse A.
A stepwise male introduction procedure to prevent inbreeding in naturalistic macaque breeding groups.
Animals 2021; 11(2), 545
IF : 2.75
- Sanchez-Felipe L, Vercruysse T, Sharma S, Ma J, Lemmens V, Van Looveren D, Arkalagud Javarappa MP, Boudewijns R, Malengier-Devlies B, Liesenborghs L, Kaptein SJF, De Keyzer C, Bervoets L, Debaveye S, Rasulova M, Seldeslachts L, Li LH, Jansen S, Yakass MB, Verstrepen BE, Böszörményi KP, Kiemenyi-Kayere G, van Driel N, Quaye O, Zhang X, Ter Horst S, Mishra N, Deboutte W, Matthijnssens J, Coelmont L, Vandermeulen C, Heylen E, Vergote V, Schols D, Wang Z, Bogers W, Kuiken T, Verschoor E, Cawthorne C, Van Laere K, Opdenakker G, Vande Velde G, Weynand B, Teuwen DE, Matthys P, Neyts J, Jan Thibaut H, Dallmeier K.
A single-dose live-attenuated YF17D-vectored SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate.
Nature. 2021; 590(7845):320-325
IF : 49.96
- Schilp CM, Meijer L, Stocker M, Langermans JAM, Bakker J, Stammes MA.
A Comparative Study of Chest CT With Lung Ultrasound After SARS-CoV-2 Infection in the Assessment of Pulmonary Lesions in Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca Mulatta).
Front Vet Sci. 2021; 8:748635
IF : 3.12
- Smit T, Ormel PR, Sluijs JA, Hulshof LA, Middeldorp J, de Witte LD, Hol EM, Donega V.
Transcriptomic and functional analysis of Aβ1-42 oligomer-stimulated human monocyte-derived microglia-like cells.
Brain Behav Immun. 2021; 100:219-230. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2021
IF : 7.22
- Smit T, Deshayes NAC, Borchelt DR, Kamphuis W, Middeldorp J, Hol EM.
Reactive astrocytes as treatment targets in Alzheimer’s disease-Systematic review of studies using the APPswePS1dE9 mouse model.
Glia. 2021; 69(8):1852-1881. doi: 10.1002/glia.23981
IF : 7.45
- Solforosi L, Kuipers H, Jongeneelen M, Rosendahl Huber SK, van der Lubbe JEM, Dekking L, Czapska-Casey DN, Izquierdo Gil A, Baert MRM, Drijver J, Vaneman J, van Huizen E, Choi Y, Vreugdenhil J, Kroos S, de Wilde AH, Kourkouta E, Custers J, van der Vlugt R, Veldman D, Huizingh J, Kaszas K, Dalebout TJ, Myeni SK, Kikkert M, Snijder EJ, Barouch DH, Böszörményi KP, Stammes MA, Kondova I, Verschoor EJ, Verstrepen BE, Koopman G, Mooij P, Bogers WMJM, van Heerden M, Muchene L, Tolboom JTBM, Roozendaal R, Brandenburg B, Schuitemaker H, Wegmann F, Zahn RC.
Immunogenicity and efficacy of one and two doses of Ad26.COV2.S COVID vaccine in adult and aged NHP.
J Exp Med. 2021; 218(7):e20202756. doi: 10.1084/jem.20202756. PMID: 33909009; PMCID: PMC8085771
IF : 14.31
- Stammes MA, Bakker J, Vervenne RAW, Zijlmans DGM, van Geest L, Vierboom MPM, Langermans JAM, Verreck FAW.
Recommendations for Standardizing Thorax PET-CT in Non-Human Primates by Recent Experience from Macaque Studies.
Animals. 2021; 11(1):204. doi: 10.3390/ani11010204. PMID: 33467761
IF : 2.75
- Stammes MA, Lee JH, Meijer L, Naninck T, Doyle-Meyers LA, White AG, Borish HJ, Hartman AL, Alvarez X, Ganatra S, Kaushal D, Bohm RP, le Grand R, Scanga CA, Langermans JAM, Bontrop RE, Finch CL, Flynn JL, Calcagno C, Crozier I, Kuhn JH.
Medical imaging of pulmonary disease in SARS-CoV-2-exposed non-human primates.
Trends Mol Med. 2021: S1471-4914(21)00316-6. doi: 10.1016/j.molmed.2021.12.001. PMID: 34955425
IF : 11.95
- Stimmer L, Confais J, Jong A, Veth J, Fovet CM, Horellou P, Massonneau J, Perrin A, Miotello G, Avazeri E, Hart B, Deiva K, Le Grand R, Armengaud J, Bajramovic JJ, Contamin H, Serguera C.
Recombinant myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein quality modifies evolution of experimental autoimmune encephalitis in macaques.
Lab Invest. 2021; 101(11):1513-1522. doi: 10.1038/s41374-021-00646-x. Epub 2021 Aug 10. PMID: 34376778
IF : 5.66
- Storm L, Bruijnesteijn J, de Groot NG, Bontrop RE.
The Genomic Organization of the LILR Region Remained Largely Conserved Throughout Primate Evolution: Implications for Health And Disease.
Front Immunol. 2021; 12:716289. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.716289. eCollection 2021. PMID: 34737739
IF : 7.56
- Tanner R, Hoogkamer E, Bitencourt J, White A, Boot C, Sombroek CC, Harris SA, O’Shea MK, Wright D, Wittenberg R, Sarfas C, Satti I, Verreck FAW, Sharpe SA, Fletcher HA, McShane H.
The in vitro direct mycobacterial growth inhibition assay (MGIA) for the early evaluation of TB vaccine candidates and assessment of protective immunity: a protocol for non-human primate cells.
F1000Res. 2021; 10:257. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.51640.2. eCollection 2021. PMID: 33976866
IF : 2.30
- Tanner R, White AD, Boot C, Sombroek CC, O’Shea MK, Wright D, Hoogkamer E, Bitencourt J, Harris SA, Sarfas C, Wittenberg R, Satti I, Fletcher HA, Verreck FAW, Sharpe SA, McShane H.
A non-human primate in vitro functional assay for the early evaluation of TB vaccine candidates.
NPJ Vaccines. 2021; 6(1):3. doi: 10.1038/s41541-020-00263-7. PMID: 33397986
IF : 2.69
- Timmerman R, Zuiderwijk-Sick EA, Oosterhof N, ‘t Jong AEJ, Veth J, Burm SM, van Ham TJ, Bajramovic JJ.
Transcriptome analysis reveals the contribution of oligodendrocyte and radial glia-derived cues for maintenance of microglia identity.
Glia. 2021. doi: 10.1002/glia.24136. PMID: 34961968
IF : 7.45
- Tölgyesi B, Bakker J, Nagy K, Meijer L, van Geest L, Stammes MA.
Refined acquisition of high-resolution chest CTs in macaques by free breathing.
Lab Anim. 2021: 236772211026562
IF : 2.47
- Verkerke M, Hol EM, Middeldorp J.
Physiological and Pathological Ageing of Astrocytes in the Human Brain.
Neurochem Res. 2021; 46(10):2662-2675. doi: 10.1007/s11064-021-03256-7
IF : 3.59
- Vierboom MPM, Dijkman K, Sombroek CC, Hofman SO, Boot C, Vervenne RAW, Haanstra KG, van der Sande M, van Emst L, Domínguez-Andrés J, Moorlag SJCFM, Kocken CHM, Thole J, Rodríguez E, Puentes E, Martens JHA, van Crevel R, Netea MG, Aguilo N, Martin C, Verreck FAW.
Stronger induction of trained immunity by mucosal BCG or MTBVAC vaccination compared to standard intradermal vaccination.
Cell Rep Med. 2021; 2(1):100185. doi: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2020.100185. eCollection 2021 Jan 19. PMID: 33521699
IF 9.42
- Voorberg-van der Wel AV, Hofman SO, Kocken CHM.
Isolation of GFP-expressing Malarial Hypnozoites by Flow Cytometry Cell Sorting.
Bio Protoc. 2021; 11(9):e4006. doi: 10.21769/BioProtoc.4006. eCollection 2021 May 5. PMID: 34124306
IF : 5.78
- Voorberg-van der Wel A, Kocken CHM, Zeeman AM.
Modeling Relapsing Malaria: Emerging Technologies to Study Parasite-Host Interactions in the Liver.
Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2021; 10:606033. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2020.606033. eCollection 2020. PMID: 33585277 Free PMC article.
IF : 5.29
- Waasdorp S, Tuffnel JA, Bruins-van Sonsbeek L, Schilp C, van Zeeland YRA, Sterck EHM.
Chopped and dispersed food enhances foraging and reduces stress-related behaviours in captive white-naped mangabeys (Cercocebus lunulatus).
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2021; 241, 105392
IF : 2.45
- Waldock J, Zheng L, Remarque EJ, Civet A, Hu B, Jalloh SL, Cox RJ, Ho S, Hoschler K, Ollinger T, Trombetta CM, Engelhardt OG, Caillet C.
Assay Harmonization and Use of Biological Standards To Improve the Reproducibility of the Hemagglutination Inhibition Assay: a FLUCOP Collaborative Study.
mSphere. 2021; 6(4):e0056721.
IF : 4.39
- White AD, Sibley L, Gullick J, Sarfas C, Clark S, Fagrouch Z, Verschoor E, Salguero FJ, Dennis M, Sharpe S.
TB and SIV Coinfection; a Model for Evaluating Vaccine Strategies against TB Reactivation in Asian Origin Cynomolgus Macaques: A Pilot Study Using BCG Vaccination.
Vaccines. 2021; 9(9):945.
IF : 4.42
- Zhou Z, van Hooij A, Vervenne R, Sombroek CC, Tjon Kon Fat EM, Ottenhoff THM, Corstjens PLAM, Verreck F, Geluk A.
Quantitative Rapid Test for Detection and Monitoring of Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Nonhuman Primates.
Biology (Basel). 2021; 10(12):1260. doi: 10.3390/biology10121260. PMID: 34943175
IF : 5.00
- Zijlmans DGM, Maaskant A, Sterck EHM, Langermans JAM.
Retrospective Evaluation of a Minor Dietary Change in Non-Diabetic Group-Housed Long-Tailed Macaques ( Macaca fascicularis).
Animals. 2021; 11(9):2749.
IF : 2.75
- Zijlmans DGM, Meijer L, Vernes MK, Wubben JAM, Hofman L, Louwerse AL, Sterck EHM, Langermans JAM, Stammes MA.
Effect of Housing Conditions on Cortisol and Body Fat Levels in Female Rhesus Macaques.
Biology. 2021; 10(8):744. doi: 10.3390/biology10080744. PMID: 34439976; PMCID: PMC8389645.
IF : 5.00
- Zijlmans DGM, Vernes MK, Sterck EHM, and Langermans JAM.
The utility of voluntary weighing in captive group-living rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).
Animal Welfare 2021; 30 (3), 249-258
IF : 1.62
- Zijlstra TW, de Vries H, Sterck EHM.
Emotional bookkeeping and differentiated affiliative relationships: Exploring the role of dynamics and speed in updating relationship quality in the EMO-model.
PLosOne . 2021; 16 (4), e0249519
IF : 3.24
- Zuiderwijk-Sick EA, van der Putten C, Timmerman R, Veth J, Pasini EM, van Straalen L, van der Valk P, Amor S, Bajramovic JJ.
Exposure of Microglia to Interleukin-4 Represses NF-κB-Dependent Transcription of Toll-Like Receptor-Induced Cytokines.
Front Immunol. 2021; 12:771453. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.771453. eCollection 2021. PMID: 34880868
IF : 7.56
- Totaal 61 papers en gemiddelde Impact Factor is 5.69
BOEKEN (niet “peer-reviewed", maar wel in het publieke domein)
- Casteleyn C, Bakker J.
Anatomy of the Rhesus Monkey (Macaca mulatta): The Essentials for the Biomedical Researcher.
2021 [Online First], IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.99067. Available from:
- Natasja de Groot
MHC in NHP: from the perspectives of immunogenetics.
In: Nonhuman primates in preclinical research. Volume 1: Basics and Regulatory Principles. (Eds. Huifang Chen, Jan Langermans). 2021, pp 107-137 ISBN: 978-1-53619-440-1 (hardcover), 978-1-53619-922-2 (eBook)
- Ivanela Kondova
The nonhuman primate as a unique model to understand the pathogenesis of human endometriosis.
In: Nonhuman Primate Models in Preclinical Research: Disease Models (Eds. Huifang Chen, Jan Langermans). 2021, pp 291-300 ISBN 978-153619-914-7 (hard copy) ISBN 978-153619 -931-4
- Jan Langermans
The use of Nonhuman Primates: Ethics and Regulations in Europe.
In: Nonhuman primates in preclinical research. Volume 1: Basics and Regulatory Principles. (Eds. Huifang Chen, Jan Langermans). 2021, pp 61-77 ISBN: 978-1-53619-440-1 (hardcover), 978-1-53619-922-2 (eBook)
- Erica Pasini
Modelling Malaria in NHPs Between 1900-2020.
In: Nonhuman Primate Models in Preclinical Research: Disease Models (Eds. Huifang Chen, Jan Langermans). 2021, pp 57-156. ISBN 978-153619-914-7 (hard copy) ISBN 978-153619 -931-4
- Ingrid Philippens
NHP Models in Neurodegenerative Disorders.
In: Nonhuman Primate Models in Preclinical Research: Disease Models (Eds. Huifang Chen, Jan Langermans). 2021, pp 197-221 ISBN 978-153619-914-7 (hard copy) ISBN 978-153619 -931-4
- Ed Remarque
NHP models for Influenza.
In: Nonhuman Primate Models in Preclinical Research: Disease Models (Eds. Huifang Chen, Jan Langermans). 2021,pp 43-56 ISBN 978-153619-914-7 (hard copy) ISBN 978-153619 -931-4
- Marieke Stammes
Overview of Imaging Modalities for nonhuman primates.
In: Nonhuman primates in preclinical research. Volume 1: Basics and Regulatory Principles. (Eds. Huifang Chen, Jan Langermans). 2021, pp 139-168 ISBN: 978-1-53619-440-1 (hardcover), 978-1-53619-922-2 (eBook)
- Vernes M, Stocker M, and Louwerse A.
Het managen van primatentraining bij het BPRC.
Biotechniek 2021; 60 (6), 22-26
- Persistence of Plasmodium cynomolgi hypnozoites in cynomolgus monkey iPS-derived hepatocytes
Mélanie Pellisson, Anne-Marie Zeeman, Thierry Doll, Lucy Kirchhofer-Allan, SvenSchuierer, Guglielmo Roma, Erika L. Flannery, Sebastian A. Mikolajczak, Clemens H. M. Kocken, Pascal Maeser, Matthias Rottmann, Matthias Mueller.
bioRxiv 2021.11.16.468833; doi:
- Nonhuman Primate Models in Preclinical Research.
Vol. 1. Basics and Regulatory Principles. Eds.
Chen H and Langermans J. ISBN: 978-1-53619-440-1
- Nonhuman Primate Models in Preclinical Research.
Vol. 2. Disease Models.
Eds. Chen H and Langermans J. ISBN: 978-1-53619-914-7
- Aguilo N, Uranga S, Mata E, Tarancon R, Gómez AB, Marinova D, Otal I, Monzón M, Badiola J, Montenegro D, Puentes E, Rodríguez E, Vervenne RAW, Sombroek CC, Verreck FAW, Martín C.
Respiratory Immunization With a Whole Cell Inactivated Vaccine Induces Functional Mucosal Immunoglobulins Against Tuberculosis in Mice and Non-human Primates.
Front Microbiol. 2020 Jun 18;11:1339. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01339. eCollection 2020. PMID: 32625195
IF: 4.08
- Bruijnesteijn J, de Groot NG, Bontrop RE.
The Genetic Mechanisms Driving Diversification of the KIR Gene Cluster in Primates.
Front Immunol. 2020 Sep 11;11:582804. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.582804. eCollection 2020. PMID: 33013938
IF: 6.43
- Bruijnesteijn J, de Groot N, van der Wiel MKH, Otting N, de Vos-Rouweler AJM, de Groot NG, Bontrop RE.
Unparalleled Rapid Evolution of KIR Genes in Rhesus and Cynomolgus Macaque Populations.
J Immunol. 2020 Apr 1;204(7):1770-1786. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1901140. Epub 2020 Feb 28. PMID: 32111732
IF: 4.72
- Brouwer PJM, Caniels TG, van der Straten K, Snitselaar JL, Aldon Y, Bangaru S, Torres JL, Okba NMA, Claireaux M, Kerster G, Bentlage AEH, van Haaren MM, Guerra D, Burger JA, Schermer EE, KD Verheul, van der Velde N, van der Kooi A, van Schooten J, van Breemen MJ, Bijl TPL, Sliepen K, Aartse A, Derking R, Bontjer I, Kootstra NA, Wiersinga J, Vidarsson G, Haagmans BL, Ward AB, de Bree GJ, Sanders RW and van Gils MJ.
Potent neutralizing antibodies from COVID-19 patients define multiple targets of vulnerability
Science 2020; 369(6504):643-650.
IF: 41.85
- Castelijns B, Baak ML, Timpanaro IS, Wiggers CRM, Vermunt MW, Shang P, Kondova I, Geeven G, Bianchi V, de Laat W, Geijsen N, Creyghton MP.
Hominin-specific regulatory elements selectively emerged in oligodendrocytes and are disrupted in autism patients.
Nat Commun. 2020 Jan 16;11(1):301.
IF: 11.80
- de Jong NMC, Aartse A, van Gils MJ and Eggink WD
Development of broadly reactive influenza vaccines by targeting the conserved regions of the hemagglutinin stem and head domains
Exp. Rev. Vaccines 2020; 19(6):563-577.
IF: 4.36
- de Groot NG, Bontrop RE.
COVID-19 pandemic: is a gender-defined dosage effect responsible for the high mortality rate among males?
Immunogenetics. 2020 Jul;72(5):275-277. doi: 10.1007/s00251-020-01165-7. PMID: 32342146
IF: 2.62
- de Groot NG, Heijmans CMC, de Ru AH, Otting N, Koning F, van Veelen PA, Bontrop RE.
The HLA A03 Supertype and Several Pan Species Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I A Allotypes Share a Preference for Binding Positively Charged Residues in the F Pocket: Implications for Controlling Retroviral Infections.
J Virol. 2020 Apr 16;94(9):e01960-19. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01960-19. Print 2020 Apr 16. PMID: 32075930.
IF: 4.50
- Dijkman K, Lubbers R, Borggreven NV, Ottenhoff THM, Joosten SA, Trouw LA, Verreck FAW.
Systemic and pulmonary C1q as biomarker of progressive disease in experimental non-human primate tuberculosis.
Sci Rep. 2020 Apr 14;10(1):6290. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-63041-4. PMID: 32286384
IF 4.00
- Genzel L, Adan R, Berns A, van den Beucken J, Blokland A, Boddeke EHWGM, Bogers WM, Bontrop R, Bulthuis R, Bousema T, Clevers H, Coenen TCJJ, van Dam AM, Deen PMT, van Dijk KW, Eggen BJL, Elgersma Y, Erdogan I, Englitz B, Fentener van Vlissingen JM, la Fleur S, Fouchier R, Fitzsimons CP, Frieling W, Haagmans B, Heesters BA, Henckens M, Herfst S, Hol E, van den Hove D, de Jonge MI, Jonkers J, Joosten LAB, Kalsbeek A, Kamermans M, Kampinga HH, Kas MJ, Keijer J, Kersten S, Kiliaan AJ, Kooij TWA, Kooijman S, Koopman WJH, Korosi A, Krugers HJ, Kuiken T, Kushner SA, Langermans JAM, Lesscher H, Lucassen PJ, Lutgens E, Netea MG, Noldus LPJJ, van der Meer JWM, Meye FJ, Mul JD, van Oers K, Olivier JDA, Pasterkamp RJ, Philippens IHCHM, Prickaerts J, Pullox BJA, Rensen PCN, van Rheenen J, van Rij RP, Ritsma L, Rockx BHG, Roozendaal B, van Schothorst EM, Stittelaar K, Stockhofe N, Swaab DF, de Swart RL, Vanderschuren LJMJ, de Vries T, de Vrij F, van Wezel R, Wierenga CJ, Wiesmann M, Willuhn I, de Zeeuw CL, and Homberg JR.
How the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the necessity of animal research.
Curr Biol 2020; 30(18):R1014-R1018
IF: 9.60
- Gokhman D, Nissim-Rafinia M, Agranat-Tamir L, Housman G, García-Pérez R, Lizano E, Cheronet O, Mallick S, Nieves-Colón MA, Li H, Alpaslan-Roodenberg S, Novak M, Gu H, Osinski JM, Ferrando-Bernal M, Gelabert P, Lipende I, Mjungu D, Kondova I, Bontrop R, Kullmer O, Weber G, Shahar T, Dvir-Ginzberg M, Faerman M, Quillen EE, Meissner A, Lahav Y, Kandel L, Liebergall M, Prada ME, Vidal JM, Gronostajski RM, Stone AC, Yakir B, Lalueza-Fox C, Pinhasi R, Reich D, Marques-Bonet T, Meshorer E, Carmel L.
Differential DNA methylation of vocal and facial anatomy genes in modern humans.
Nat Commun. 2020 Mar 4;11(1):1189
- Heijmans CMC, de Groot NG, Bontrop RE.
Comparative genetics of the major histocompatibility complex in humans and nonhuman primates.
Int J Immunogenet. 2020 Jun;47(3):243-260. doi: 10.1111/iji.12490. Epub 2020 May 2. PMID: 32358905
IF: 1.13
- Hirsch J, Faber BW, Crowe JE, Verstrepen B and Cornelissen G.
E. coli production process yields stable dengue 1 virus-sized particles (VSPs).
Vaccine 2020; 38(17):3305-3312. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.03.003. Epub 2020 Mar 17. PMID: 32197924
IF: 3.14
- Karakus U, Sahin D, Mittl P, Mooij P, Koopman G and Boyman O.
Receptor-gated IL-2 delivery by an anti-human IL-2 antibody activates regulatory T cells in three different species.
Sci. Transl. Med. 2020; 12(574), eabb9283
IF: 16.30
- Kesmir C, Bontrop R.
Immunogenetics special issue 2020: nomenclature, databases, and bioinformatics in immunogenetics.
Immunogenetics. 2020 Feb;72(1-2):1-3. doi: 10.1007/s00251-019-01150-9. PMID: 31848642
IF: 2.62
- Kim YC, Dema B, Rodriguez-Garcia R, López-Camacho C, Leoratti FMS, Lall A, Remarque EJ, Kocken CHM, Reyes-Sandoval A.
Evaluation of Chimpanzee Adenovirus and MVA Expressing TRAP and CSP from Plasmodium cynomolgi to Prevent Malaria Relapse in Nonhuman Primates.
Vaccines. 2020 Jul 6;8(3):363. doi: 10.3390/vaccines8030363.
IF: 4.76
- Kret M, Prochazkova E, Sterck EHM & Clay Z.
Emotional expressions in human and non-human great apes.
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2020; 115: 378-395,
IF: 8.46
- Kronstein-Wiedemann R, Klop O, Thiel J, Milanov P, Ruhland C, Vermaat L, Kocken CHM, Tonn T, Pasini EM.
K562 erythroleukemia line as a possible reticulocyte source to culture Plasmodium vivax and its surrogates.
Exp Hematol. 2020 Feb;82:8-23. doi: 10.1016/j.exphem.2020.01.012. Epub 2020 Jan 30.
IF: 2.82
- Laméris DW, van Berlo E, Sterck EHM, Bionda T, Kret ME.
Low relationship quality predicts scratch contagion during tense situations in orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus).
American Journal of Primatology 2020, 82:e23138, DOI: 10.1002/ajp.23138.
IF: 2.04
- van Leeuwen KL, Matsuzawa T, Sterck EHM, Koops K.
How to measure chimpanzee party size? A methodological comparison.
Primates. 2020 Mar;61(2):201-212. doi: 10.1007/s10329-019-00783-4. Epub 2020 Jan 1.
IF: 1.59
- Marchi S, Manini I, Kistner O, Piu P, Remarque E.J, Manenti A, Biuso F, Carli T, Lazzeri G, Montomoli E, Trombetta CM.
Serologically-based Evaluation of Cross-protection Antibody Responses Among Different A(H1N1) Influenza Strains.
Vaccines 2020; 8 (4), 656.
IF: 4.76
- Moncunill G, Scholzen A, Mpina M, Nhabomba A, Bouyoukou Hounkpatin A, Osaba L, Valls R, Campo JJ, Sanz H, Jairoce C, Aba Williams N, Pasini EM, Arteta D, Maynou J, Palacios L, Duran-Frigola M, Aponte JJ, Kocken CHM, Todagbe Agnandji S, Manuel Mas J, Mordmüller B, Daubenberger C, Sauerwein R, Dobaño C.
Antigen-stimulated PBMC transcriptional protective signatures for malaria immunization.
Sci Transl Med 2020 May 13;12(543):eaay8924.
doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aay8924. IF: 16.30
- Mooij P, Mortier D, Stammes M, Fagrouch Z, Verschoor EJ, Bogers WMJM and Koopman G.
Aerosolized pH1N1 influenza infection induces less systemic and local immune activation in the lung than combined intrabronchial, nasal and oral exposure in cynomolgus macaques.
J. Gen. Virol. 2020; 101(12), 1227-1241. doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.001489. Epub 2020 Sep 25.
IF: 3.38
- Otting N, de Groot NG, Bontrop RE.
Evolution of HLA-F and its orthologues in primate species: a complex tale of conservation, diversification and inactivation.
Immunogenetics. 2020 Dec;72(9-10):475-487. doi: 10.1007/s00251-020-01187-1. Epub 2020 Nov 12. PMID: 33184728
IF: 2.62
- Overduin – de Vries AM, de Vries H, Vermande MM, Reijntjes AHA, Sterck EHM.
Both aggressive and affiliative behaviour facilitate resource access in high-ranking female long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis).
Behaviour 2020; 157: 267-287.
IF: 1.40
- Rebout N, De Marco A, Lone JC, Sanna A, Cozzolino R, Micheletta J, Sterck EHM, Langermans JAM, Lemasson A and Thierry B.
Tolerant and intolerant macaques show different levels of structural complexity in their vocal communication.
Proc RoySoc B. 2020;287(1928);
IF: 4.30
- Rockx B, Kuiken T, Herfst S, Bestebroer T, Lamers M, Oude Munnink BB, de Meulder D, van Amerongen G, van den Brand J, Okba NM, Schipper D, van Ru P, Leijten L, Sikkema R, Verschoor E, Verstrepen B, Bogers W, Langermans J, Drosten C, Fentener van Vlissingen M, Fouchier R, de Swart R, Koopmans M and Haagmans BL.
Comparative pathogenesis of COVID-19, MERS and SARS in a Non-Human Primate model.
Science 2020; 368(6494):1012-1015.
IF: 41.85
- Roth TS & Sterck EHM.
Social vigilance of friends and foes in zoo-housed western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla).
Animal Behavior and Cognition 2020; 7(4):537-555 DOI:
IF: 2.65
- Sperk G, Kirchmair E, Bakker J, Sieghart W, Drexel M and Kondova I.
Immunohistochemical distribution of 10 GABAA receptor subunits in the forebrain of the rhesus monkey Macaca mulatta.
J Comp Neurol 2020
IF: 2.80
- Stocker M, Matthias-Claudio L, Sterck EHM, Bugnyar T, Massen J.
Cooperation with closely bonded individuals reduces cortisol levels in long-tailed macaques.
Royal Society Open Science 2020; 7: 191056,
IF: 2.68
- Timmerman R, Burm SM, Bajramovic JJ.
Tissue-specific features of microglial innate immune responses.
Neurochem Int. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2020.104924. Epub 2020 Nov 26
IF: 3.91
- Vangenot C, Nunes JM, Doxiadis GM, Poloni ES, Bontrop RE, de Groot NG, Sanchez-Mazas A.
Similar patterns of genetic diversity and linkage disequilibrium in Western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) and humans indicate highly conserved mechanisms of MHC molecular evolution.
BMC Evol Biol. 2020 Sep 15;20(1):119. doi: 10.1186/s12862-020-01669-6. PMID: 32933484
IF: 3.09
- Vermande MM & Sterck EHM
How to get the biggest slice of the cake. A comparative view of social behaviour and resource access in human children and non-human primates.
Frontiers in Psychology, 2020; 11 | Article 584815.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.584815
IF: 3.37
- Vierboom MPM, Chenine AL, Darrah PA, Vervenne RAW, Boot C, Hofman SO, Sombroek CC, Dijkman K, Khayum MA, Stammes MA, Haanstra KG, Hoffmann C, Schmitt D, Silvestre N, White AG, Borish HJ, Seder RA, Ouaked N, Leung-Theung-Long S, Inchauspé G, Anantha R, Limbach M, Evans TG, Casimiro D, Lempicki M, Laddy DJ, Bonavia A, Verreck FAW.
Evaluation of heterologous prime-boost vaccination strategies using chimpanzee adenovirus and modified vaccinia virus for TB subunit vaccination in rhesus macaques.
NPJ Vaccines. 2020 May 14;5:39. doi: 10.1038/s41541-020-0189-2. eCollection 2020. PMID: 32435513
IF: 5.70
- Voorberg-van der Wel AM, Zeeman AM, Nieuwenhuis IG, van der Werff NM, Klooster EJ, Klop O, Vermaat LC, Kocken CHM.
Dual-Luciferase-Based Fast and Sensitive Detection of Malaria Hypnozoites for the Discovery of Antirelapse Compounds.
Anal Chem. 2020 May 5;92(9):6667-6675. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c00547. Epub 2020 Apr 16. PMID: 32267675
IF: 6.37
- Voorberg-van der Wel AM, Zeeman AM, Nieuwenhuis IG, van der Werff NM, Klooster EJ, Klop O, Vermaat LC, Kumar Gupta D, Dembele L, Diagana TT, Kocken CHM.
A dual fluorescent Plasmodium cynomolgi reporter line reveals in vitro malaria hypnozoite reactivation.
Commun Biol. 2020 Jan 3;3:7. doi: 10.1038/s42003-019-0737-3. eCollection 2020.
IF: 2.15
- Walter L, Bontrop RE.
Comparative Genetics of NK Cell Receptor Families in Relation to MHC Class I Ligands and Their Function.
Front Immunol. 2020 Apr 1;11:561. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00561.
IF: 6.43
- Totaal 37 papers en gemiddelde Impact Factor is 7,09
- Adamou R, Dechavanne C, Sadissou I, d'Almeida T, Bouraima A, Sonon P, Amoussa R, Cottrell G, Le Port A, Theisen M, Remarque EJ, Longacre S, Moutairou K, Massougbodji A, Luty AJF, Nuel G, Migot-Nabias F, Sanni A, Garcia A, Milet J, Courtin D.
Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface antigen-specific cytophilic IgG and control of malaria infection in a Beninese birth cohort.
Malar J. 2019 Jun 11;18(1):194
Impact factor: 2,80
- Afonso PV, Fagrouch Z, Deijs M, Niphuis H, Bogers W, Gessain A, van der Hoek L, Verschoor EJ.
Absence of accessory genes in a divergent simian T-lymphotropic virus type 1 isolated from a bonnet macaque (Macaca radiata).
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2019 Jul 8;13(7):e0007521
Impact factor: 4,49
- Araman C, van Gent ME, Meeuwenoord NJ, Heijmans N, Marqvorsen MHS, Doelman W, Faber BW, ’t Hart BA, and van Kasteren SI.
Amyloid-like Behavior of Site-Specifically Citrullinated Myelin Oligodendrocyte Protein (MOG) Peptide Fragments inside EBV-Infected B-Cells Influences Their Cytotoxicity and Autoimmunogenicity.
Biochemistry 2019 58 (6), 763-775
DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.8b00852
Impact factor: 2,90
- Balansard I, Cleverley L, Cutler KL, Psångberg MG, Thibault-Duprey K, and Langermans JAM.
Revised recommendations for health monitoring of non-human primate colonies (2018): FELASA Working Group Report.
Lab Animals 2019 Oct;53(5):429-446
Impact factor: 0,69
- Bruijnesteijn J, de Groot NG, Otting N, Maccari G, Guethlein LA, Robinson J, Marsh SGE, Walter L, O'Connor DH, Hammond JA, Parham P, Bontrop RE.
Nomenclature report for killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) in macaque species: new genes/alleles, renaming recombinant entities and IPD-NHKIR updates.
Immunogenetics. 2019 doi: 10.1007/s00251-019-01135-8. PMID: 31781789
Impact factor: 2,49
- Chua ACY, Ong JJY, Malleret B, Suwanarusk R, Kosaisavee V, Zeeman AM, Cooper CA, Tan KSW, Zhang R, Tan BH, Abas SN, Yip A, Elliot A, Joyner CJ, Cho JS, Breyer K, Baran S, Lange A, Maher SP, Nosten F, Bodenreider C, Yeung BKS, Mazier D, Galinski MR, Dereuddre-Bosquet N, Le Grand R, Kocken CHM, Rénia L, Kyle DE, Diagana TT, Snounou G, Russell B, Bifani P.
Robust continuous in vitro culture of the Plasmodium cynomolgi erythrocytic stages.
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The Primate EAE Model Points at EBV-Infected B Cells as a Preferential Therapy Target in Multiple Sclerosis.
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Boeken, correspondentie, niet peer reviewed, etc.
- Jagessar, S.A., Heijmans, N., Driel, N. van, Hart, B.A. and Kap, Y.S.
Modeling of autoimmune encephalomyelitis in a non-human primate (chapter 21).
Pathogenesis of Encephalitis (ISBN 978-953-307-741-3) Ed. Daisuke Hayasaka, Publisher: INTECHopen (2011).
- Philippens, I.H.C.H.M. and Verhave, P.S.
Preclinical Solutions for Insight in Premotor Parkinson.
In: Parkinson's Disease / Book 2, Rana, AQ (Eds), ISBN 978-953-307-465-8. June (2011).
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De getemde aap: mogelijkheden en beperkingen voor natuurlijk houden van java-apen en resusapen.
Biotechniek (2011) 50, 213-219.
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A less stressful animal model: a conditioned avoidance behaviour task for guineapigs.
Lab Anim. (2010) 44, 206-210.
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Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (2010) 107, 21376-21381.
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Analysis of memory B cell responses and isolation of novel monoclonal antibodies with neutralizing breadth from HIV-1-infected individuals.
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Detection and characterization of two chimpanzee polyomavirus genotypes from different subspecies.
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Enhancing blood-stage malaria subunit vaccine immunogenicity in rhesus macaques by combining adenovirus, poxvirus, and protein-in-adjuvant vaccines.
J. Immunol. (2010) 185, 7583-95.
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Suppression of Plasmodium cynomolgi in rhesus macaques by coinfection with Babesia microti.
Infect. Immun. (2010) 78, 1032-1039.
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Extensive DRB region diversity in cynomolgous macaques: recombination as a driving force.
Immunogenetics (2010) 62, 137-147.
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New candidate vaccines against blood-stage Plasmodium falciparum malaria: prime-boost immunization regimens incorporating human and simian adenoviral vectors and poxviral vectors expressing an optimized antigen based on merozoite surface protein 1.
Infect Immun. (2010) 78, 4601-4612.
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Characterization of novel polyomaviruses from Bornean and Sumatran orangutans.
J. Gen. Virol. (2010) 91, 653-8
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International multicenter study to assess a panel of reference materials for the quantification of SIV RNA in plasma.
J. Clin. Microbiol. (2010) 48, 2582-2585.
- I. Nieuwenhuis, N. Beenhakker, W. Bogers, N. Otting, R. Bontrop, P. Dubois, P. Mooij, J.L. Heeney and G. Koopman
No difference in GAG and ENV immune response profiles between vaccinated and nonvaccinated rhesus macaques that control immunodeficiency virus replication.
J. Gen. Virol. (2010) 91, 2974-2984.
- J. Blokhuis, M. van de Wiel, G.G.M. Doxiadis and R.E. Bontrop
The mosaic of KIR haplotypes in rhesus macaques.
Immunogenetics (2010) 62, 295-306.
- Jagessar, S.A., Kap, Y.S., Brok, H.P.M., Laman, J.D., Bauer, J. and 't Hart, B.A. 't
Induction of progressive demyelinating autoimmune encephalomyelitis in common marmoset monkeys using MOG34-56 peptide in incomplete Freund’s adjuvant.
J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. (2010) 69, 372-385.
- Jespers, V., Harandi, A.M., Hinkula, J., Medaglini, D., Le Grand, R., Stahl-Hennig, C., Bogers, W., El Habib, R., Wegmann, F., Fraser, C., Cranage, M., Shattock, R.J. and Spetz, A.L.
Assessment of mucosal immunity to HIV-1.
Expert Review of Vaccines (2010) 9, 381-394.
- Kap, Y.S., Driel, N. van, Blezer, E., Parren, P.W.H.I., Bleeker, W.K., Laman, J.D., Craigen, J.L. and Hart, B.A. 't
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J. Immunol. (2010) 185, 3390-4003.
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Effects of early IL-17A neutralization on disease induction in a primate model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
J. Neuroimmune Pharmacology (2010) 5, 220-230.
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Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in the common marmoset, a bridge between rodent EAE and multiple sclerosis for immunotherapy development.
J. Neuroimmune Pharmacol (2010) 5, 220 - 230.
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Suppression of acute systemic inflammatory response syndrome in mice and primates using oligomeric peptides derived from human chorionic gonadotropin.
Clin. Exp. Immunol. (2010) 160, 466-478.
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Empathic Chimpanzees: A proposal of the levels of emotional and cognitive processing in chimpanzee empathy.
Eur. J. Developm. Psych. (2010) 7, 38-66.
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PLoS One(2010) 5, 15391.
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Generation of stable monoclonal antibody-producing BCR+ human memory B cells by genetic programming.
Nat Med. (2010) 16, 123-8
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Close social associations in animals and humans: functions and mechanisms of friendship.
Behaviour (2010) 147, 1379-1412.
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Generous leaders and selfish underdogs: Pro-sociality in despotic macaques.
PLoS ONE (2010) 5, e9734.
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Debilitating clinical disease in a wild-born captive western lowland gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorila) co-infected with varicella zoster virus (VZV) and osimian T-lymphotropic virus (STLV).
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Synthetic human chorionic gonadotropin-related oligopeptides impair early innate immune responses to Listeria monocytogenes in Mice.
J. Infect. Dis. (2010) 201, 1072-1080.
Boeken, correspondentie, niet peer reviewed, etc.
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Chapter 11; Non Human Primates in HIV-1 Research; Recent advances in Human Retroviruses: Principles of replication and pathogenesis.
PublisherWorld Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Editors: Andrew ML LEver, Kuan-The Jeang and Ben Berkhout. (2010), 345-374.
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Chapter 15; Simian Exogenous Retroviruses in Retroviruses: Molecular Biology, Genomics and Pathogenesis.
Publisher: Caister Academic Press; Editors: Reinhard Kurth and Norbert Bannert Robert Koch-Institut, 13353 Berlin, Germany (2010); ISBN: 978-1-904455-55-4
- Laman, J.D., Hintzen, R.Q. and Hart, B.A. ‘t
Multipele sclerose. in: van Dongen JJM, Dik WA, Langerak AW, van der Velden VHJ, Hooijkaas H eds.
Nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de Medische Immunologie (2010) (ISBN 978-90-73436-91-6). p. 91-111.
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Identification of the five human Plasmodium species including P. knowlesi by real-time polymerase chain reaction.
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. (2010) Dec 15.
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Kopf Carrier #69, 2010
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Thomas langurs: ecology and sexual conflict between males and females. In: Indonesian Primates. S. Gursky-Doyen, J. Supriatna (Eds.) Springer Science+Business Media, New York, (2010) 285-308.
Verder paginering bij mijn boek hoofdstuk (B.060) is pg 345-374.
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A splice site mutation converts an inhibitory killer cell Ig-like receptor into an activating one.
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Evidence of balancing selection acting on KIR2DL4 genotypes in rhesus macaques of Indian origin.
Immunogenetics (2009) 61, 503-512.
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Activation of Toll-like receptors and dendritic cells by a broad range of bacterial pathogens.
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NKp44 expression, phylogenesis and function in non-human primate NK cells.
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High resolution definition of HLA-DRB haplotypes by a simplified microsatellite typing technique.
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The chimpanzee Mhc-DRB region revisited: gene content, polymorphism, pseudogenes and transcripts.
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J. Gen Virol. (2004) 85, 21-4
- Verschoor, E.J., Langenhuijzen, S., Bontjer, I., Fagrouch, Z., Niphuis, H., Warren, K.S., Eulenberger, K. and Heeney, J.L.
The phylogeography of Orangutan foamy viruses supports ancient re-population theory of Sumatra.
J Virol (2004) 78, 12712-12716.
- Vervenne R.A., Jones S.L., van Soolingen D., van der Laan T., Andersen P., Heidt P.J., Thomas A.W. and Langermans J.A.
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Mol. Biochem. Parasitol (2004) 134, 97-104.
Boeken, correspondentie, niet peer reviewed, etc.
- Criel, D., Decostere, A. And Heidt, P.J.
AIDS en het gebruik van non-humane primaten als proefdieren in het onderzoek.
Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift (2004) 73, 162-169
- Heidt, P.J. and Vossen, J.M.
The influence of the microflora on Graft-versus-Host disease in experimental and clinical bone marrow transplantation.
In: Interactions between the indigenous microflora and the host immune system, Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph (2004) 2, 2105-2116.
- Heidt, P.J., Berg, R.D., Rusch, V. and Waaij, D. van der (Eds.):
Interactions between the indigenous microflora and the host immune system.
Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph (2004) 2, Herborn Litterae, Herborn, Germany.
- ‘t Hart, B.A. and Amor, S.
Animal model of neuroinflammation.
Current Opinions in Neurology (2003) 16, 375-383.
- ‘t Hart, B.A., Vervoordeldonk, M., Heeney, J.L. and Tak, P.P.
Gene therapy in non-human primate models of human autoimmune disease.
Human Gene Therapy (2003) 10, 890-901.
- ‘t Hart, B.A., Vogels, J.T.W.E., Spijksma, G., Brok, H.P.M., Polman, C. and Greef, Jan van der
1H-NMR spectroscopy combined with pattern recognition analysis reveals characteristic chemical patterns in urines of MS patients and non-human primates with MS-like disease.
J. Neurol. Sci. (2003) 212, 21-30.
- Balla-Jhagjhoorsingh, S., Verschoor, E.J., Groot, N. de, Teeuwsen, V.J.P., R.E. Bontrop, R.E. and Heeney, J.L.
Specific nature of cellular immune responses elicited by chimpanzees against HIV-1.
Hum. Immunol. (2003) 64, 681-688.
- Bannister L.H., Hopkins J.M., Dluzewski A.R., Margos G., Williams I.T., Blackman M.J., Kocken C.H., Thomas A.W. and Mitchell G.H.
The Plasmodium falciparum Apical Membrane Antigen-1 (PfAMA-1) is translocated within micronemes along subpellicular microtubules during merozoite development.
J. Cell Science (2003) 116, 3825-3834
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Evidence for diversifying selection on Erythrocyte-Binding Antigens of Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax.
Genetics (2003) 163, 1327-1336.
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Myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)-deficient mice reveal lack of immune tolerance to MOG in wild-type mice.
J. Clinical Immunol. (2003) 112, 544-553.
- Diepolder, M.D., Gruener, H. and Heeney, J.L.
Of chimps and men - finding the path to an HCV vaccine.
Hepatology (2003) 37, 1472-1474.
- Doxiadis, G.G.M., Otting, N., De Groot, N.G., De Groot, N., Rouweler, A., Noort, R., Verschoor, E., Bontjer, I. and Bontrop, R.E.
Evolutionary stability of MHC class II haplotypes in different rhesus macaque populations.
Immunogenetics (2003) 55 (8), 540-551.
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Juvenile Rhesus monkeys have lower Type-2 cytokine responses than adults after primary infection with Schistosoma mansoni.
J. Inf. Dis. (2003) 187 939-945
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Prevention of kidney allograft rejection using anti-CD40 and anti-CD86 in primates.
Transplantation (2003) 75(5), 637-643.
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Cross-reactivity between related sequences found in Acinetobacter sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, myelin basic protein and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein in multiple sclerosis.
J. Neuroimmunol. (2003) 144, 105-115.
- Kuate, S., Stahl-Hennig, C., Ten Haaft, P., Heeney, J.L. and Uberla, K.
Single-cycle immunodeficiency viruses provide strategies for uncouping in vivo expression levels from viral replicative capacity and for mimicking live-attenuated SIV vaccines.
Virology (2003) 313 653-662.
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Fatal herpes simplex infection in a group of common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus).
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Microassay analysis of nonhuman primates: validation of experimental models in neurological disorders.
FASEB J. (2003) 17, 929-931.
- Mathy, N.L., Mooij, P., Manson, K., Montefiori, D., Watkins, D., Wyand, M., Heeney, J.L. and Voss, G.
Functional characterization of TAT-containing AIDS vaccines and their efficacy against SHIV-induced disease in rhesus monkeys.
XIIIth Cent Gardes Symposium Elsevier 2002: Retroviruses of human AIDS and related animal Diseases (2003) 13, 139-143.
- Niphuis, N., Verschoor, E.J., Peeters, M. and Heeney, J.L.
Reduced transmission and prevalence of simian T-cell lymphotropic virus in a closed breeding colony of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus).
J. Gen. Virol. (2003) 84, 615-620.
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Major histocompatibility complex class I alleles associated with slow simian immunodeficiency virus disease progression bind epitopes recognized by dominant acute-phase cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte responses.
J. Virol. (2003) 77(16), 9029-40.
- Ondoa, P., Vereecken, C., Fransen, K., Colebunders, R., Van Der Groen, G., Heeney, J.L. and Kestens, L.
Human and simian immunodeficiency virus-infected chimpanzees do not have increased intracellular levels of beta-chemokines in contrast to infected humans.
J. Med. Virol. (2003) 69(3), 297-305.
- Otten, H.G., De Gast, G.C., Vooijs, W.C., Van der Gouw, A.P., De Boer, M., Ossevoort, M. and Jonker, M.
Preclinical evaluation of anti-CD86 immunotoxin in rhesus monkeys: analysis of systemic toxicity, pharmacokinetics, and effect on primary T-cell responses.
Cancer Immunol. Immunother. (2003) 52 (9), 569-575.
- Ozwara H.O., Langermans J.A.M., Maamun J., Farah I.O., Yole D.S., Mwenda J.M., Weiler H. and Thomas A.W.
Experimental infection of the Olive baboon (Papio Anubis) with Plasmodium knowlesi: Severe disease accompanied with cerebral involvement.
Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. (2003) 69, 188-194.
- Ozwara H.O., Langermans, J.A.M., Kocken C.H.M., van der Wel, A.M., Mwenda J. and Thomas A.W.
Transfected P. knowlesi produces bioactive host interferon-gamma: a new perspective for modulating immune responses to malaria parasites.
Infect. Immun. (2003) 71, 4375-4381
- Ozwara, H., Van der Wel, A., Kocken, C.H., and Thomas, A.W.
Heterologous promoter activity in stable and transient Plasmodium knowlesi trans¬genes.
Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. (2003) 130, 61-64.
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T-cell-specific immunosuppression results in more than 53 days survival of porcine islets of Langerhans in the monkey.
Transplantation (2003) 76 (9), 1359-1368.
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IMGT/HLA and IMGT/MHC: sequence data bases for the study of major histocompatibility complexes.
Nucleic Acid Res. (2003) 31, 311-314.
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Reverse genomics: Protein microarrays guide tolerizing DNA vaccine treatment of autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
Nature Biotechnology (2003) 21, 1033-1039.
- Rollier, C., Drexhage, J.A., Verstrepen, B.E., Verschoor, E.J., Bontrop, R.E., Koopman, G. and Heeney, J.L.
Chronic hepatitis C virus infection established and maintained in chimpanzees independent of dendritic cell impairment.
Hepatology (2003) 38, 851-858.
- Rutjens, E., Balla-Jhagjhoorsingh, S., Verschoor, E., Bogers, W., Koopman, G. and Heeney, J.L.
Lentivirus infections and mechanisms of disease resistance in chimpanzees.
Frontiers in Bioscience (2003) 8, d1134-1145.
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Foci of endemic simian immunodeficiency virus infection in wild-living eastern chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii).
J. Virology (2003) 77, 7545-7562.
- Stahl-Hennig, C., Gundlach, B.R., Dittmer, U., ten Haaft, P., Heeney, J., Zou, W., Emilie, D., Sopper, S. and Uberla, K.
Replication, Immunogenicity, and Protective Properties of Live-Attenuated Simian Immunodeficiency Viruses Expressing Interleukin-4 or Interferon-gamma.
Virology (2003) 305(2), 473-485.
- Verschoor, E.J., Langenhuijzen, S., Van den Engel, S., Niphuis, H., Warren, K.S. and Heeney, J.L.
Structural and evolutionary analysis of an orangutan foamy virus.
J. Virol. (2003) 77, 8584-8587.
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Induction of allograft tolerance through costimulatory blockade: first selection of drugs in vitro.
Transpl. Immunol. (2003) 11 (2), 215-222.
- Voss, G., Manson, K., Montefiori, D., Watkins, D.I., Heeney, J., Wyand, M., Cohen, J., and Bruck, C.
Prevention of disease induced by a partially heterologous AIDS virus in rhesus monkeys by using an adjuvanted multicomponent protein vaccine.
J. Virol. (2003) 77(2), 1049-1058
Boeken, correspondentie, niet peer reviewed, etc.
- P.J. Heidt, D. Holmberg, V. Rusch, and D. van der Waaij (Eds.):
The ontogeny of the immune system.
Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph 6, Herborn Litterae, Herborn, Germany (2003).
- P.J. Heidt, R. Rolfe, V. Rusch, and D. van der Waaij (Eds.):
Host-microflora interactions in the first years after birth.
Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph 4, Herborn Litterae, Herborn, Germany (2002).
- P.J. Heidt, T. Midtvedt, V. Rusch, and D. van der Waaij (Eds.):
Host microflora crosstalk.
Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph 16, Herborn Litterae, Herborn, Germany (2003).
- P.J. Heidt, V. Rusch, and D. van der Waaij (Eds.):
Immune system and microflora.
Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph 7, Herborn Litterae, Herborn, Germany (2003).
- ‘t Hart. B.A. and Jonker M.
Towards a European non-human primate immune tolerance network.
Trends Immunol . 23 (2002) 165 – 166.
- Brok, H.P.M., Meurs, M. van, Blezer, E., Schantz, A., Peritt, D., Traecy, G., Laman, J.D., Bauer, J. and ‘t Hart, B.A.
Prevention of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in common marmosets using an anti-IL-12p40 monoclonal antibody.
J. Immunol. 169 (2002), 6554-6563.
- Carrington, M. and Bontrop, R.E.
Effects of MHC class I on HIV/SIV disease in primates.
AIDS, A year in review 16 (2002), In Press.
- Crawley, J., Emeis, J.J., Jonker, M., Severs, N.J. and Lupu, F.
Temporal and spatial expression of tissue factor pathway inhibitor in a non-human primate vascular injury model.
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 2002, in press
- Dooren, S. van, Switzer, W.M., Heneine, W., Goubau, P., Verschoor, E., Parekh, B., De Meurichy, W., Furley, C., Van Ranst, M., and Vandamme, A-M.
Lack of evidence for infection with Simian Immunodeficiency Virus in bonobos.
AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 10 (2002) 213-216.
- Eberl, M., al-Sherbiny, M., Hagan, P., Ljubojevic, S., Thomas, A.W., Wilson, R.A.
A novel and sensitive method to monitor helminth infections by faecal sampling.
Acta Trop.83 (2002) 183-187
- Fanales-Belasio, E., Cafaro, A., Cara, A., Negri, D.R., Fiorelli, V., Butto, S., Moretti, S., Maggiorella, M.T., Baroncelli, S., Michelini, Z., Tripiciano, A., Sernicola, L., Scoglio, A., Borsetti, A., Ridolfi, B., Bona, R., Ten Haaft, P., Macchia, I., Leone, P., Pavone-Cossut, M.R., Nappi, F., Vardas, E., Magnani, M., Laguardia, E., Caputo, A., Titti, F. and Ensoli, B.
HIV-1 Tat-based vaccines: from basic science to clinical trials.
DNA Cell Biol. 21 (2002) 599-610.
- Groot, N.G. de, Otting, N., Doxiadis, G.G., Balla-Jhagjhoorsingh, S.S., Heeney, J.L., Van Rood, J.J., Gagneux, P. and Bontrop, R.E.
Evidence for an ancient selective sweep in the MHC class I gene repertoire of chimpanzees.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 99 (2002) 11748-1153.
- Heeney, J.L.
The critical role of CD4(+) T-cell help in immunity to HIV.
Vaccine. 6 (2002) 1961-1963.
- Heidt, P.J., Midtvedt, T., Norin, E. and Rusch V. (Eds.).
Proceedings of the VI International Congress on Microbial Ecology and Disease.
Microecol. Ther. 29 (2002).
- Heidt, P.J., Midtvedt,, T., Rusch, V. and Waaij, D. van der (Eds.).
Probiotics: Bacteria and bacterial fragments as immunomodulatory agents.
Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph 15, Herborn Litterae, Herborn, Germany (2002).
- Joet, T., Holterman, L., Stedman, T.T., Kocken, C.H., Van Der Wel, A., Thomas, A.W., Krishna, S.
Comparative characterization of hexose transporters of Plasmodium knowlesi, Plasmodium yoelii and Toxoplasma gondii highlights functional differences within the apicomplexan family.
Biochem J. 368 (2002) 923-929.
- Jonker, M., Ossevoort, M.A. and Vierboom, M.
Blocking the CD80 and CD86 co-stimulation molecules:lessons to be learnt from animal models.
Transplantation 73 (2002) S23-S26
- Jonker, M., Ringers, J., Ossevoort, M.A., Slingerland, W., Hout, Y. van de, Haanstra, K., Wubben, J., Kuhn, E.M., Friend, P. and Calne, R.
Long term kidney graft survival by delayed T-cell ablative treatment in rhesus monkeys.
Transplantation 73 (2002) 874-880/
- Kocken, C.H., Withers-Martinez, C., Dubbeld, M.A., van der Wel, A., Hackett, F., Valderrama, A. Blackman, M.J. and Thomas, A.W.
High Level Expression of the Malaria Blood Stage Vaccine Candidate P. falciparum Apical Membrane Antigen-1, and Induction of Erythrocyte Invasion Inhibitory Antibodies.
Infect. Immun. 70 (2002) 4471-6
- Kocken, C.K., Ozwara H., van der Wel, A., Beetsma, A., Mwenda ,J. and Thomas, A.W.
Plasmodium knowlesi provides a rapid in vitro and in vivo transfection system allowing double crossover gene knockout studies.
Inf. Immun. 70 (2002) 655-660
- Laman, J.D., ‘t Hart, B.A., Brok, H., Meurs, M. van, Schellekens, M.M., Kasran, A., Boon, L., Bauer, J., Boer, M. de and Ceuppens, J.
Protection of marmoset monkeys against EAE by treatment with a murine antibody blocking CD40 (mu5D12).
Eur. J. Immunol. 32 (2002) 2218-2228.
- Li Pira, G., Fenoglio, D., Bottone, L., Terranova, P., Pontali, E., Caroli, F., Seri, M., Cailliez, J.C., Koopman, G., Accolla, R., del Galdo, F., Abbate, G., de Palma, R., and Manca F.
Preservation of clonal heterogeneity of the Pneumocystis carinii-specific CD4 T cell repertoire in HIV infected, asymptomatic individuals.
Clin Exp Immunol. 128(1) (2002) 155-162.
- Marchetti, B., Morale, M.C., Brouwer, J., Tirolo, C., Testa, N., Caniglia, S., Barden, N., Amor, S., Smith, P.A. and Dijkstra, C.D.
Exposure to a dysfunctional glucocorticoid receptor from early embryonic life programs the resistance to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis via nitric oxide-induced immunosuppression.
J. Immunol. 168 (2002) 5848-5859.
- Marsh, S.G., Albert, E.D., Bodmer, W.F., Bontrop, R.E., Dupont, B., Erlich, H.A., Geraghty, D.E., Hansen, J.A., Mach, B., Mayr, W.R., Parham, P., Petersdorf, E.W., Saramhi, T., Schreuder, G.B., Strominger, D.L., Svejgaard, A. and Terasahi, P.I.
Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, 2002.
Eur. J. Immunogenetics 29 (2002) 463-515
- Marsh, S.G., Albert, E.D., Bodmer, W.F., Bontrop, R.E., Dupont, B., Erlich, H.A., Geraghty, D.E., Hansen, J.A., Mach, B., Mayr, W.R., Parham, P., Petersdorf, E.W., Saramhi, T., Schreuder, G.B., Strominger, D.L., Svejgaard, A. and Terasahi, P.I.
Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, 2002.
Hum. Immunol. 63 (2002) 1213-1268.
- Marsh, S.G., Albert, E.D., Bodmer, W.F., Bontrop, R.E., Dupont, B., Erlich, H.A., Geraghty, D.E., Hansen, J.A., Mach, B., Mayr, W.R., Parham, P., Petersdorf, E.W., Saramhi, T., Schreuder, G.B., Strominger, D.L., Svejgaard, A. and Terasahi, P.I.
Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, 2002.
Tissue Antigens 60 (2002) 407-464.
- Meide, P.H. van der, Villinger, F., Ansari, A.A., Groenestein, R.J., de Labie, M.C.D.C., Koornstra, W., Bogers, W.M.J.M., Heeney, J.L.
Stimulation of both humoral and cellular immune responses to HIV-1 gp120 by interleukin-12 in rhesus macaques.
Vaccine 20 (2002) 2296-2302.
- Morris-Downes, M.M., McCormack, K., Baker, D., Sivaprasad, D., Natkunarajah, J. and Amor, S.
Encephalitogenic and immunogenic potential of myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG), oligodendrocyte-specific glycoprotein (OSP) and 2’,3’-cyclic nucleotide 3’-phosphodiesterase (CNPase) in ABH and SHL mice.
J. Neuroimmun. 122 (2002) 20-33.
- Morris-Downes, M.M., Smith, P.A., Rundle, J.L., Piddlesden, S.J., Baker, D., Pham-Dinh, D., Heijmans, N. and Amor, S.
Pathological and regulatory effects of anti-myelin antibodies in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in mice.
J. Neuroimmun. 125 (2002) 114-124.
- Muhl, T., Krawczak, M., Ten Haaft, P., Hunsmann G. and Sauermann, U.
MHC class I alleles influence set-point viral load and survival time in simian immunodeficiency virus-infected rhesus monkeys.
J Immunol.169 (2002) 3438-3446.
- Munch, J., Janardhan, A., Stolte, N., Stahl-Hennig, C., Ten Haaft, P., Heeney, J.L., Swigut, T, Kirchhoff, F. and Skowronski, J.
T-Cell Receptor:CD3 Down-Regulation Is a Selected In Vivo Function of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Nef but Is Not Sufficient for Effective Viral Replication in Rhesus Macaques.
J Virol. 76 (2002) 12360-12364.
- Nilsson, C., Sutter, G., Walther-Jallow, L., ten Haaft, P., Akerblom, L., Heeney, J., Erfle, V., Bottiger, P., Biberfeld, G. and Thorstensson, R.
Immunization with recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara can modify mucosal simian immunodeficiency virus infection and delay disease progression in macaques.
J Gen Virol. 83 (2002) 807-18.
- Ondoa, P., Davis, D., Kestens, L., Vereecken, C., Ribas, S.G., Fransen, K., Heeney, J., Van Der Groen, G.
In vitro susceptibility to infection with SIVcpz and HIV-1 is lower in chimpanzee than in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
J Med Virol. 67 (3) (2002) 301-311.
- Ondoa, P., Vingerhoets, J., Vereecken, C., Van Der Groen, G., Heeney, J.L. and Kestens, L.
In Vitro Replication of SIVcpz Is Suppressed by beta-Chemokines and CD8+ T Cells But Not by Natural Killer Cells of Infected Chimpanzees.
AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 18(5) (2002) 373-382.
- Otting, N., de Groot, N., Doxiadis, G.G.M. and Bontrop, R.E.
Extensive Mhc-DQB variation in humans and nonhuman primates.
Immunogenetics 54 (2002) 230-239.
- Rijen, M.M.L. van, Kuijf, M.L., Metselaar, H.J., Tilanus, H.W., Bouma, G.J., Weger, R.A. de, Jonker, M. and Kwekkeboom, J.
CD154-expression during treatment with calcineurin inhibitors after organ transplantation.
Transplantation 73) (2002) 1666-1672.
- Ringers, J., Haanstra, K., Kroczek, R., Volk, H.D., Wubben, J., Ossevoort, M.A. and Jonker, M.
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PVEN: a network for non-human primate experimentation in developing countries.
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Boeken, correspondentie, niet peer reviewed, etc.
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Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, 1996.
Proceedings of the 12th IHWWC “Genetic diversity of HLA". (1997) 505-522.
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Potent HIV-1 inhibiting soluble factor from chimpanzee peripheral blood cells.
In: “HIV and Cytokines", M. Guenounou (ed.), Inserm-Paris (1997) 211-215.
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Dallas, Tübingen, Rijswijk (Editorial).
Immunogenetics (1997) 46, 171-172.
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MHC class II genes of nonhuman primates: The DR loci.
In: Molecular Biology and Evolution of Blood Group and Mhc antigens in nonhuman primates (Blancher, A. , Socha, W.W. and Klein, J., editors) (1997) 358-370.
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MHC genes; Immune response and vaccines.
In: Molecular Biology and Evolution of Blood Group and Mhc antigens in nonhuman primates (Blancher, A. , Socha, W.W. and Klein, J., editors.) (1997) 449-463.
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Nonhuman primate Mhc nomenclature.
In: Molecular Biology and Evolution of Blood Group and Mhc antigens in nonhuman primates (Blancher, A. , Socha, W.W. and Klein, J., editors.) (1997) 552-558.
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Chimpanzee and rhesus macaque Mhc class II sequences.
Proceedings of the 12th IHWC "Genetic diversity of HLA" (1997) 650-655.
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Nomenclature rules for the major histocompatibility complexes and alleles of different nonhuman primate species.
Proceedings of the 12th IHWC "Genetic diversity of HLA". (1997) 648-649.
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Characterization of a MHC class I immune response gene controlling resistance to collagen induced arthritis.
Proceedings of the 12th IHWC "Genetic diversity of HLA". (1997) 638-639.
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Ontogeny and function of B lymphocytes.
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The chimeric p5-1 sequence in the HLA class I region: gene or pseudogene?
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Chimpanzee and rhesus macaque Mhc class I sequences.
Proceedings of the 12th IHWC "Genetic diversity of HLA". (1997) 656-662.
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A novel Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite and liver stage antigen (SALSA) defines major B, T helper, and CTL epitopes
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Immunol. Letters (1996) 51, 75-81.
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Conservation of minor histocompatibility antigens between humans and nonhuman primates. Eur. J. Immunol. (1996) 26, 2680-2685.
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Primate models for AIDS vaccine development.
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Cytokines and the immune response.
Biotherapy (1996) 8, 243-249.
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A new reagent for the induction of T-cell depletion, anti-CD3-CRM9.
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Evolution of the Major Histocompatibility Complex DPA1 locus in primates.
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Virologic and serologic characteristics of a natural chimpanzee lentivirus infection.
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Factors inhibiting IFN activity.
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Characterization of an Mhc class II DP restricted MBP specific T helper cell line from a rhesus macaque with EAE.
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Allelic diversity at the Mhc-DP locus in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).
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Protection of Macaques against simian immunodeficiency virus infection with inactivated vaccines: comparison of adjuvants, doses and challenge viruses.
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Origins, development and aims of the Primate Vaccine Evaluation Network
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Boeken, correspondentie, niet peer reviewed, etc.
- Haaft, P. ten, Holterman, L., Niphuis, H., Dubbes, R., Koornstra, W. and Heeney, J.L.
Evidence of circulating pathogenic SIV following challenge of macaques vaccinated with live attenuated SIV.
In: Vaccines 96, CSH Laboratory Press (1996) 219-223.
- Hart, B. 't, Jonker, M. and Bontrop, R.E.
The Biomedical Primate Research Centre - new opportunities for EU-sponsored immunotherapy research in nonhuman primates.
Immunol. Today (1996) 17, 400-401.
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Autoimmuunziekten, immunomodulatie en immunomodulatoren.
Pharmaceutisch Weekblad (1995) 29/30, 777-782.
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Immunotherapy of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Pharmacy World and Science (1995) 17 (6), 178-185.
- Heeney, J.L., Teeuwsen, V., Niphuis, H., Els, C. van, Osterhaus, A. and Bontrop, R.E.
The role of Mamu-A26 in protection from SIV infection and disease.
In: Vaccines (1995) 95, pp. 159-165.
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Rapid cloning of 5 kb fragments directly from lentivirus infected macaque serum: utility for DNA vaccination.
In: Vaccines 96, CSH Laboratory Press (1996) 67-71.
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Primate vaccine evaluation network (PVEN) Recommendations, guidelines and information for biomedical research involving non-human primates with emphasis on health problems of developing countries
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Mhc class II region polymorphisms in rhesus macaques and its relevance for experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
Ph.D. Thesis Leiden University (1996).
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Animal research.
Nature (1995) 373, 279
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A recombinant HIV-1 Virus-Like Particle Vaccine: From concepts to a field study.
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Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, 1995.
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Human Plasmodium liver stages in SCID mice: a feasible model?
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Squamous epithelial proliferative lesions associated with rhesus Epstein-Barr Virus in SIV-infected rhesus monkeys.
J. Inf. Dis. (1995) 172, 535-539.
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